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Exercise 48. The answers to these questions are not directly stated in the passage. Circle the letter of the best answer

From the passage, it can be concluded that

fashions are often started by the military.

most fashions start with large groups of people who wear certain clothing for practical reasons.

fashions often become popular when they are worn by someone people admire.

2. It can be interred from the passage that

a. the tuxedo would have been popular no matter who created it.

b. T-shirts and tuxedos were both ignored when they were worn in public for the first time.

c. it took the influence of Hollywood to make T-shirts outerwear instead of underwear.

3. The passage implies that

the clothes we wear say something about ourselves.

fashions are often started by people who want to look like everyone else.

new fashions are usually worn by adults before they become popular with young people.

Exercise 49. Discuss the answers to these questions with your classmates.

1. What is the fashion this year? Do you like it?

2. If you were a fashion designer, what fashion style would you create for next year?

3. If you could print anything you wanted on your T-shirt, what would you put on it?

4. Do you like to wear designer clothes? Why or why not?

Exercise 50. Composition

Write two reasons for or against wearing the current fashion styles.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 382 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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