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Read the dialogue. mr. priestley : I think it's your turn to speak to us today, Lucille, and I want you to talk about clothes


mr. priestley: I think it's your turn to speak to us today, Lucille, and I want you to talk about clothes. Then we will ask Pedro and Olaf to speak about men's clothes.

lucille: I am very pleased to talk about clothes. They are something that I am really interested in. I like to have pretty dresses of the latest fashion and style, well-cut tailored costumes, nylon "undies," nylon stockings and well-made shoes.

In the morning I generally wear a blouse and skirt or a jumper and skirt, especially in winter. In spring or summer I like something lighter, and I wear a cotton or a linen frock and a hat to match. In the evenings I like to dress for dinner, especially if I am going out to a theatre or a dance. My favorite is a black evening dress, beautifully cut. With this dress I wear platinum and pearl ear-rings and a necklace of pearls.

For tennis I wear a short white linen dress, and for the seaside a beach dress.

pedro: I, too, like well-cut clothes, so I always go to a good tailor. When I want a new suit I go to his shop and look at the patterns or the rolls of cloth that he shows me, and I choose the one that I want. I prefer suits of dark brown or grey or blue. It pays to choose a good cloth for a suit; then it wears well and keeps its shape.

As I always go to the same tailor, he knows my measurements and doesn't need to take them again every time. But sometimes he measures me again just to make sure I haven't got fatter or thinner since my last suit.

I usually go for a fitting in about a week's time. Sometimes there are slight alterations to be made—the sleeve to be made a little shorter, the trouser-leg a little longer, the coat to be let out a little (if I have grown fatter) or taken in a little (if I have grown thinner) or a button to be moved half an inch or so. But often the fit is perfect, and the tailor can finish the suit without making any alterations at all.

In the evening I dress for dinner, generally in a dinner jacket, with black tie, but if I am going to a dance I wear full evening dress ("tails"), with a white tie.

olaf: Well, to begin at the beginning; in the morning I take off my pyjamas…

hob: Oh, that reminds me of the story of the famous big-game hunter. He was showing a charming young lady the skin of a lion that he had shot. "One night," he said, "I heard the roar of a lion; I jumped out of bed and shot it in my pyjamas."

"Good heavens," she said, "however did it get in your pyjamas? "

olaf: To come back to what I was saying. I take off my pyjamas, have my bath, and then put on my vest, pants, shirt, collar and tie, socks, trousers, waistcoat (or sometimes a pullover) and jacket. When I go out in the winter I put on an over­coat or a raincoat, gloves and a hat, or sometimes, in the country, a cap. If it is very cold I some­times wear a scarf round my neck. My clothes are not so expensive as Pedro's and I can usually get a good suit ready-made; this is consider­ably cheaper than having it made to measure.

hob: I once knew a man who was so fat that the only ready-made thing that fitted him-was a hand­kerchief.

olaf: I like rough tweeds or a sports jacket and flannel trousers. My clothes don't keep their shape so well, perhaps, as Pedro's suits, and so my trousers have never as beautiful a crease as Pedro's, but they are fine for walking in the country, for climbing or for golf, and they wear for years without getting worn out.

I like a good strong pair of shoes for country wear and a lighter pair for town wear, and, as I always wear out the heels rather quickly, I usually ask the shoemaker to put iron tips on the heels of my country shoes and rubber tips on my town shoes.

hob: I don't trouble much about clothes and I couldn't tell nylon from cotton, or a well-cut suit from a badly cut one; all I know is that women now wear ounces of clothes where they used to wear pounds—but they pay pounds for the ounces.

But your talk about clothes reminds me of a story. There was a fire in the middle of the night at a country house, and as some of the guests were standing outside watching the flames, another guest joined them. "There was no need for you people to get so excited," he said. " Now look at me; when I heard people shouting that the house was on fire I got out of bed, lit a cigarette, and went on calmly with my dressing; —in fact, when I had put my tie on, I thought it didn't match my shirt very well, so I took it off and put on another. I didn't lose my head at all. When there is danger I always keep calm, per­fectly calm."

"That's good," said one of his friends, "but why haven't you put your trousers on? "


It’s your turn. – Твоя очередь.

dresses of the latest fashion - платья сшитое по последней моде

well-cut – хорошо скроенный tailored costumes – сшитый костюм

"undies" = underwear – нижнее белье frock - платье

to match – подходить по цвету a necklace of pearls – жемчужное ожерелье

to keeps shape – держать форму to take measurements – снимать мерки

to measures – измерять to go for a fitting – ходить на примерку

alterations – переделка, изменение trouser-leg - штанина

to let out – выпускать (расшивать) to take in - ушивать

button – пуговица full evening dress ("tails") - фрак

pyjamas – пижама vest – жилет, нательная фуфайка

waistcoat – жилет scarf - шарф

to have smth. made to measure – шить что-то на заказ

ready-made clothes – готовая одежда to fit – быть впору, подходить по размеру

tweed – твид; tweeds – костюм из твида crease – складка, отутюженная складка брюк

to wear out – изнашивать

for country (town) wear – чтобы носить за городом (в городе)

heel - каблук

to put iron tips on the heels – ставить железные набойки на каблуки

rubber tips – резиновые набойки

Exercise 34. Use the following in the sentences of your own:

1. style, 2. costume, 3. blouse, 4. wear, 5. slipper, 6. pattern, 7. measurement, 8. alteration,9. button, 10. skin,11. raincoat, 12. scarf, 13. ready-made, 14. rough, 15. calm.

Exercise 35. Answer the following:

1. What is a costume? 2. What are Lucille's stockings made of? 3. What does she generally wear in the morning (a) winter, (b) in summer? 4. Describe Lucille's dress when she is going out to a theatre or dance. 5. Where does one wear (a) a necklace, (b) earrings, (c) socks, (d) gloves, (e) a cap, (f) a scarf?

Are shoes the same as slippers? What is the difference? 6. When Pedro goes to get a suit, what does the tailor show him? 7. Why does it pay to choose good cloth for a suit? 8. When must a suit be "let out", and when must it be "taken in"? 9. What is the difference in Pedro's clothes (a) when he is going to dinner, (b) when he is going to a dance? 10. What noise does a lion make? 11. What does Olaf generally wear? 12. When does he wear (a) a cap, (b) a raincoat, (c) a scarf? 13. What is the opposite of "a suit made to measure"? 14. How could you tell a pair of Olaf's trousers from a pair of Pedro's? 15. Make sentences to illustrate two meanings of tip. 16. What is (a) a man who makes shoes, (b) a man who makes clothes for men, (c) a man who shoots lions, (d) a visitor who is staying in your house, (e) a man who sells ear-rings, necklaces, etc.? 17. Hob uses the word pounds with two mean­ings. Say what they are.

Exercise 36. Explain the following words or phrases and use each in a sentence:

1. a cap to match. 2. I go for a. fitting. 3. the coat is let out or taken in. 4. the fit is perfect. 5. "tails." 6. ready-made. 7. the clothes keep their shape. 8. my trousers haven't so beautiful a crease as Pedro's. 9. They wear for years without getting worn out. 10. I didn't lose my head.

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