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Exercise 46. Scan the paragraphs for details. It is not necessary to read the whole passage again. Circle Т if the statement is true. Circle F if the statement is false

1. The word tuxedo comes from a Native American word meaning "wolf." Т F

2. Pierre Lorillard asked his tailors to make him a tailless jacket to wear Т F

when he went taunting.

3. Although Pierre Lorillard thought up the idea of the tailless jacket, he Т F

wasn't the first person to wear it.

4. The first person to wear a T-shirt on the movie screen was James Dean. Т F

5. Pierre Lorillard had inherited the family's banking fortune. Т F

6. When Lorillard's son and his friends wore the tailless jackets, everyone Т F

loved them.

7. The T-shirt originated with the French military. Т F

8. In the 1960s, colored T-shirts with words printed on them came into style. Т F

9. In the 1950s, white T-shirts and baggy pants were the style. Т F

10. Pierre Lorillard's grandfather gave Tuxedo Park its name. Т F

Exercise 47. Number the sentences to show the correct order.

____ Elvis Presley wore a T-shirt in his movies.

____ Lorillard asked his tailors to make several dinner jackets without tails.

____ T-shirts became part of the American military uniform.

____ Pierre Lorillard's grandfather arrived in America.

____ T-shirts and blue jeans became the fashion.

____ Tailors began to make copies of Lorillard's tailless jacket.

____ Lorillard's son wore the tailless jacket to the Autumn Ball.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 410 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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