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Exercise 7 Fill in the blanks with equivalent expressions

hang up ▪ cut off ▪ back ▪ get through ▪ hold on ▪ collect ▪ leave put you through ▪ up ▪ afraid ▪ busy ▪ extension

1. I’m trying to connect you. – I’m trying to put you through.

2. We’ve been disconnected. – We’ve been ______________.

3. I can’t connect to the number. – I can’t ________________.

4. I’ll put down the receiver now. – I’ll ______________ now.

5. Would you like to wait? – Would you like to ___________?

6. The number’s engaged. – The number’s _______________.

7. I’m sorry, he’s on another line. – I’m ____ he’s on another line.

8. Can you speak more loudly? – Can you speak __________?

9. Could you call again later? – Could you call___________ later?

10. Can I give you a message? – Can I ___________a message?

11. I’d like the person I’m calling to pay for this call. – I’d like to make a __________call.

12. I need internal 291, please. – I need ________ 291, please.

Exercise 8 Put the conversation into the correct order. Three people are involved in this jumbled conversation: Michael Sullivan of Global Engines, Bill Gould of Parsons Engineering and a receptionist.

¨ Right. Well, thank you for your call.

¨ Parsons Engineering. Can I help you?

¨ Yes, they’ve just been dispatched by DCL Courier. They should be with you by tomorrow morning. If there’s any problem, then just get back to me.

¨ I’m afraid he’s on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold or can I take a message?

¨ Hello. My name is Michael Sullivan of Global Engines. I’ve been trying to get through to you. I’m calling to find out whether the spare parts I ordered last week have been sent off.

¨ Mr. Gould is free now. I’m putting you through.

¨ No, it doesn’t matter. I’ll hold.

¨ Hello, this is Michael Sullivan of Global Engines. Could I speak to Mr. Gould in Customer Services, please?

¨ Thank you. Good bye.

¨ Oh, good. Yes. OK, but I hope it won’t be necessary.

¨ Hello. Bill Gould.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 418 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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