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Exercise 27 Discuss the questions to the text

1. What is corporate culture? 2. What is meant by ‘strong’ corporate culture? 3. How do corporate culture and success interrelated? 4. What is the cornerstone of corporate culture? 5. Why is it important to understand the culture of your organization? 6. How do the Xerox culture and the General Electric culture differ? 7. Why do people sometimes seem to fail in new work? 8. Which aspects of organization does culture affect?

Exercise 28 a) What, in your opinion, are the shared values behind the following businesses?

McDonalds, Sony, Rolls-Royce, The Walt Disney Company, Christian Dior, IBM.

b) Have you ever been in a situation where your personal culture didn't match the culture of an organisation/group you belonged to? Describe your experience.

Exercise 29 Here is a list of words and expressions connected with work. Use your dictionary and divide them into the following categories:

· departments in a company

· hours of work

· money

· losing a job

· applying for a job

· adjectives describing different jobs.

Sales, a 9 to 5 job, personnel, accounts, references, a salary, a wage, advertising, out of work, rate of unemployment, to do overtime, to go for an interview, to get a bonus, manual, to make someone redundant, a 7% pay rise, an hourly rate, mundane, to earn $10 p.a., skilled, to sack an employee, to work in shifts, to work flexi time, challenging, to get a commission, to fill in an application form, to get a promotion, flexible.


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