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Words to remember:

acquisition – придбання

bar graph – гістограма

bear in mind – пам’ятати, враховувати, брати до уваги

be in the hot seat – бути у складному становищі

boost – піднімати, підштовхувати, підвищувати

crucial – вирішальний, ключовий

encourage – заохочувати, підтримувати

flip chart – скріплені лекційні плакати

financial performance – фінансовий стан

hard sell – агресивна реклама

in effect – фактично, в дійсності, по суті

lead - in – вступ, вступна промова

lectern – кафедра (лектора, оратора)

outcome – результат, наслідок

outline – нарис, ескіз, план

overhead projector (OHP) – кодоскоп, «оверхед-проектор», ОНР-проектор

overhead transparency – прозора плівка (для проектору)

overview – загальне уявлення

pie chart – секторна діаграма

relegate – класифікувати; передавати; передоручати

so much for – нічого більше не може і не потрібно бути сказано про…

take over – вступати у володіння

tangible assets – матеріальні активи; реальний основний капітал

visual aids – наочні приладдя, рекламний ролик

Exercise 1 The text below contains several recommendations for giving effective presentations. Scan the text to match the seven points below to the right paragraph, a-g.

1. Choose visuals to support the presentation.

2. Have a simple, clear structure.

3. Show enthusiasm.

4. Use Power Point.

5. Making informal presentations.

6. Dealing with nerves.

7. Considering the purpose and the audience.

a The key to a successful oral presentation is to keep things simple. I try to stick to three points. I give an overview of the points, present them to the audience, and summarize them at the end.

b My purpose or desired outcome, the type of audience, and the message dictate the formality of the presentation, the kind of visuals, the number of anecdotes, and the jokes or examples that I use. Most of my presentations are designed to sell, to explain, or to motivate. When I plan the presentation, I think about the audience. Are they professionals or nonprofessionals? Purchasers or sellers? Providers or users? Internal or external? My purpose and the audience mix determine the tone and focus of the presentation.

с When I make a presentation, I use the visuals as the outline. I will not use notes. I like to select the kind of visual that not only best supports the message but also best fits the audience and the physical location. PowerPoint, slides, overhead transparencies, and flip charts are the four main kinds of visuals I use.

d PowerPoint and slide presentations work well when I am selling a product or an idea to large groups (15 people or more). In this format, I like to use examples and graphs and tables to support my message in a general way.

e In small presentations, including one-on-ones and presentations where the audience is part of the actual process, I like transparencies or flip charts. They allow me to be more informal.

f I get very, very nervous when I speak in public. I handle my nervousness by just trying to look as if, instead of talking to so many people, I’m walking in and talking to a single person. I don’t like to speak behind lecterns. Instead, I like to get out and just be open and portray that openness: “I’m here to tell you a story.”

g I try very hard for people to enjoy my presentations by showing enthusiasm on the subject and by being sincere. I try not to use a hard sell – I just try to report or to explain - and I think that comes across. In addition, it helps that I am speaking about something that

I very strongly believe in and something that I really, really enjoy doing.

Luis E. Lamela, February 11,1997 From Business and Administrative Communication by Kitty Locker, Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1998

What advice from Luis E. Lamela do you think is the most important? What are the key considerations involved in preparing a presentation?

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