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Now read the rest of the text, in which Bernard Levesque describes the organization of MTS in Paris, and complete the organization chart below

My name’s Bernard Levesque and I’m the Technical and Quality Manager at MTS in Paris and work within the MTD – the Materials Testing Division, which makes equipment used by industrial firms to test the strength and durability of materials like plastics, metals and so forth. We’re a subsidiary of MTS Systems Corporation, an American firm based in Minneapolis. MTS employs roughly 2,200 people worldwide and is a leading supplier of mechanical testing and simulation equipment. Our major development and manufacturing operations are located in the US, France and Germany, and we have sales and service offices around the world.

Before I describe the organization of my department, I’ll outline the structure from the top, starting with Werner Bonnaire, our CEO, who oversees all aspects of our activities here. Just below him is the General Manager, Fabien Mardelet, who is my immediate superior. Then there’s Sylviane Villaret, the Human Resources Director, and Genevieve Cornetti, the GM’s Secretary, who also report directly to him. We have a management team that includes myself, Dominique Delveau, the Sales Manager, Hellen Renauld, the Finance Manager, and of course, Jacques Malle, who is also the Marketing Manager. There are also two new departments – Customer Service and NVD, the Noise and Vibration Division – headed by Louis Lebrun and Patrick Dhommee respectively.

Now, getting back to the way my department is organized, I’m responsible for operations, so I’m in charge of Purchasing and Planning, R&D and Quality. The Purchasing and Planning Department schedules production based on orders provided by the sales team and forecasts from the Marketing Department. In R&D, there are three sub-departments – Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, and Software Engineering – which are involved in developing new products and modifying existing products to meet customer demands. They receive technical specifications from the Marketing Department and provide drawings, a parts list and assembly instructions. Nathalie Launay works closely with me on Quality – an area that takes up nearly a third of my time. And finally there’s the head of Shipping, as well as the person in charge of Assembly, who also report to me.

Exercise 22 Act as an interpreter at a big enterprise. The Managing Director (Mr Belov) will have a meeting with a new partner (Mr Blake) and wants him to get acquainted with the structure of the enterprise and staff responsibilities.

Mr Belov: Добрий день! Радий зустрічі з Вами. Мене звуть Петро Іванович Бєлов. Я директор цього підприємства. Ми багато чули про Вашу фірму як про постачальника найсучасніших комп'ютерних технологій. Сподіваємося, що після знайомства з нашим підприємством і його співробітниками у Вас складеться правильне уявлення про стиль нашої роботи, і це буде підготовкою до підписання майбутніх контрактів та успішної співпраці.

Interpreter: ……

Mr Blake: Good morning. Nice to meet you, Mr Belov. My name's Alex Blake. I'm a Sales Manager at Apple Computers, Inc. It’s a well-known English computer company with clients all over the world and good reputation as a reliable partner. Thank you for warm reception and the possibility to get general information about your enterprise and the staff. It will be very useful for me.


Mr Belov: На нашому підприємстві працює 500 співробітників. Керує його діяльністю правління, яке складається з 11 чоловік, і очолює його голова. На нашому підприємстві існує десять відділів, серед них: виробничий, відділ реалізації, фінансовий відділ, відділ кадрів, транспортний відділ, відділ маркетингу, юридичний відділ та ін.


Mr Blake: I see that you have a sufficient staff to work successfully at the computer market. As we are dealing with computer technologies to achieve best results it’s necessary to organize the work of Finance, Sales, Research and Development Departments at the highest level. Could you dwell on some details of the work of these Departments at your enterprise?


Mr Belov: Наш фінансовий відділ займається всіма питаннями фінансового забезпечення роботи підприємства. До нього входять: головний бухгалтер, касир, фахівець з фінансового прогнозування і розвитку роботи підприємства.


Mr Blake: As I know you have excellent specialists in this sphere.They are experienced and skillful persons in the questions of finance and tax legislation.


Exercise 23 a) You are a Public Relations Specialist at a big firm. Today you have a conference with journalists of the most important newspapers in the country. Your task is to make a good presentation of your firm, its goals, its structure, and the staff.

B) Imagine you work at a company. Introduce your company, give details as to the name and the activities of your company. Describe your position in the company, the functions of your department in detail, your daily routine.

c) You and your former school-mate meet after a long period of time. One of you runs his/her own business, another works at a joint venture. Ask each other questions concerning your work. Be as curious as you only can. For ideas:

1. Where do you work? What are you? 2. What is the name of your company? 3. What is your position in the company? 4. Have you got much work to do every day? 5. What do you deal with? 6. How large is the staff of your company? 7. What are you in charge of? 8. Who do you report to? 9. Are there possibilities for promotion?

Exercise 24 Morten Lauridsen from Copenhagen works for Unilever, a multinational food and household products company. Here is an article about his normal working day. But it's mixed up! Put the paragraphs in the correct order.

I can work till seven, or eight at the latest, then that’s it … I get in the car and drive home.

The first thing I do when I arrive is check my voice mails and my emails. I report to the brand manager and work very closely with him, so we usually have a word over a coffee first before the meetings begin. There’s nearly always a meeting – the first is about ten.

I'm an assistant brand manager and my typical day is – well I am hardly ever in the office before nine – but that's OK because the Personnel department have a system of flexi-time so we can arrive between eight and nine thirty and leave between four and half five. In fact most of us work later than that … but we don't get paid for it!

Then after lunch, usually in the canteen, there are more meetings… in fact I think I do some of my best work later, after five, when the meetings finish and the phone stops ringing.

This first meeting might be with Market Research to look at some data, or a budget meeting to discuss the next quarter, or about packaging, for example.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 1572 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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