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Some tips for those who are going to the job interview

Peter: Before going to the interview try to find out information about the company you would like to get into. This will help you to make a better impression. There are also some basic rules common to most interviews.

Jack: Could you give me some examples?

P.: When greeting the representative of the company, wait until he moves to shake hands. You should also wait until he offers you a seat.

J.: But what about usual questions people are asked in an interview?

P.: The most common questions are, for instance: Why do you feel qualified for the job? Do you enjoy working with others? Are you willing to work overtime? Tell me about your experience. What are your long-term career goals?

J.: Are there any surprise questions?

P.: Employers often use ‘killer questions’ or ‘shock tactics’, such as these: ‘We have employed people from your university, and they haven’t been good. Can you tell us why you think you’d do better?’ You may anticipate such questions: Why should I hire you? What are your three greatest strengths for this job?

J.: And how can you act in a situation like this?

B.: Stay calm, take a few deep breaths and buy some time, e.g. ‘Actually, that’s interesting. I haven’t thought about it, but maybe I’d …’ By surprising you with an original or difficult question, interviewers want an honest reaction and an unplanned response. They also want to see candidates think through their responses calmly.

J.: I see. Are there any topics that should be avoided?

P.: Yes, certainly. Avoid criticizing your former employers or fellow workers. Don’t discuss your personal, domestic or financial problems unless you are asked about them.

J.: Can I ask about the salary?

P.: Absolutely. You can state the salary you want, but not until the employer has introduced the subject.

J.: Thank you very much for all this valuable information.

P.: One more thing. It would be polite to send a thank-you letter after the interview. It will remind of you and may help to get a job, finally. And remember, you never get a second chance. Interviewers only give you a short time to show who you are. Good luck.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 379 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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