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Types of resume

There are two basic types of resumes used to apply for job openings: a chronological resume and a functional resume.

The chronological resume works well for job seekers with a strong, solid work history which shows career growth from one position to the next. It is the most traditional type of resume with the focus on time, job continuity, growth and advancement. Your work experience is given the priority, and jobs are listed in reverse chronological order with your current, or most recent job, first, along with a brief description of duties. Employers like this type of resume because it’s easy to see what jobs you have held and how they qualify you for the advertised position.

A functional resume focuses on your skills and experience. The focus on what you did, not when and where you did it. It is used most often by people who are changing careers, have gaps in their employment history or very little work experience. This type of resume describes the achievements and abilities gained through work experience, vocational training, hobbies, volunteer work, community activities or just life experience. The employer can see immediately how you fit the job without having to read through the job descriptions to find out.

There are also variations of these two types. A combination resume combines the traditional chronological listings and job descriptions with a quick synopsis of your market value (your skills, qualifications, accomplishments). It has become the accepted standard nowadays, and is perhaps most effective for today’s professionals.

A targeted resume may be any of the three types above, but it is written for a specific company or a specific position. Hence, the focus is on your experience and skills relevant to the job you are applying for.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 481 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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