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Environmental Pollution

Pollution is the release of harmful environmental contaminants. Generally the process needs to result from human activity to be regarded as pollution. Pollution can take two major forms: local pollution and global pollution. In the past, only local pollution was thought to be a problem. For example, coal burning produces smoke, which in sufficient concentrations can be a health hazard. One slogan, taught in schools, was "The solution to pollution is dilution. " The theory was that sufficiently diluted pollution could cause no damage. In recent decades, awareness has been rising that some forms of pollution pose a global problem. For example, human activity (primarily nuclear testing) has significantly raised the levels of background radiation, which may lead to human health problems, all over the world. Awareness of both kinds of pollution, among other things, has led to the environmentalism movement, which seeks to limit the human impact on the environment.

Traditional forms of pollution include air pollution, water pollution, and

radioactive contamination while a broader interpretation of the word has led to the ideas of ship pollution, light pollution, and noise pollution. Serious pollution sources include chemical plants, oil refineries, nuclear waste dumps, regular garbage dump s.

2. Answer the questions:

1. What is pollution?

2. What are two major forms of pollution?

3. What kinds of pollution have you learned?

4. What influences the environment?

3. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

a) release of harmful environmental contaminants,

b) human activity

c) two major forms

d) was thought to be a problem

e) awareness of both kinds of pollution

f) light pollution

g) noise pollution

4.Complete the sentences:

1.Pollution can take two major forms:…

2. One slogan, taught in schools…

3. In recent decades, awareness has been rising…

4. Traditional forms of pollution include…

5. Serious pollution sources include…

Lesson 3-4

Safety Measures at the Railway

1. Read and translate the text:

Railway transport considered to be one of the safest of all ones. Safety measures at the railway may be divided into some groups. That is for pedestrians, for passengers, for specialists who deals with railroad engineering, train repairing, bridge building etc. The common recommendations are

Not to use the headphones or listen the music while you cross the railway track.

Not to cross the track but use the tunnels if there are no tunnels at some stations use special places for crossing the track.

You must be sure that the train is absent before crossing the railway track.

You must not cross the permanent way near the gauge.

Never cross the road when the train is coming.

Never run along the platform near the train.

Never touch the broken cables.

Remember about the air flow between the trains while crossing the track.

2. Answer the questions:

1. What is one of the safest kinds of transport?

2. What are the groups of people who must remember the safety measures?

3. What must one remember while crossing the road?

4. What instructions must one remember while being at the railway station?

3. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

a) considered to be one of the safest

b) safety measures

c) specialists who deals with railroad engineering

d) cross the permanent way near the gauge

e) the air flow between the trains

f) tunnels at some stations

4.Complete the sentences:

1.Railway transport considered to be …

2. Safety measures …

3. Not to cross the track but …

4. You must be sure that the train …

5. Remember about the air flow…


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Lesson 5

1. Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 275 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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