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Retell the text in brief оr make your own project on the text. 1.Read and memorize new words and expressions on the text:

Text: Rails(I)

1.Read and memorize new words and expressions on the text:


long - welded rails

to differ in weight,to carry the largest volume of traffic,

to treat ties with creosote,

to lay upon the earth, track structure,

to rest upon a bed of crushed rock or gravel,

to support the track structure,

to provide needed drainage,

to improve the track structure,

in order to reduce,

long-welded rails,

to provide

to increase speeds,

to provide the greater stability of track,

to contribute to greater speeds.

permanent way

wooden rails

iron rails

steel rails

heavy steam train





rail joint

2.Read and translate the text

The rails differ greatly in weight according to the kind of traffic, which they have to carry when placed in the track. The largest and heaviest rails are laid in the main line tracks for it is these tracks, which carry the largest volume of traffic.

The ties on most tracks were almost all of wood and in order to make them last longer they were treated with creosote.

The ties are not laid upon the earth for the earth cannot support the track structure. They rest upon a bed of crushed rock or gravel, which is called ballast. Ballast is a very important element of the track for it is the ballast, which supports the track structure hold, the track in position and provides needed drainage.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 323 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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