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Answer the questions. The combination of what is called the railroad track?

The combination of what is called the railroad track?

What is the other title of this thing?

How do we call the mechanism which is used to move the trains?

What is called –tie or – sleeper?

What materials are used for the foundation of railway track?

What kind of work must be done before building a track?

Where are ties and rails put?

4.Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and expressions:

track construction








crashed rock


to build on a strip of land


carefully prepared for tracks,

must be cleared than graded,

to lay upon the ballast foundation,

to hold the ties,

methods of railroad building,

railway construction,

to lay in pre-assembled length,

to lay the length of tracks in a few minute,

efficient machines,

track-laying crane.

5.Complete the sentences:

The combination of …

The distance …

The mechanism which is …

The place where the ends …

The ties or sleepers are laid on …

The railway is built on a strip …

At first it must be cleared from …

Ties and rails are laid upon the ballast foundation and …

Text: The Upper Railroad Track Construction(II)

1.Read and memorize new words and expressions on the text:

track construction








crashed rock


to build on a strip of land


carefully prepared for tracks,

must be cleared than graded,

to lay upon the ballast foundation,

to hold the ties,

methods of railroad building,

railway construction,

to lay in pre-assembled length,

to lay the length of tracks in a few minute,

efficient machines,

track-laying crane.

2.Read and translate the text

It is not an easy job to build a railway. The railway is built on a strip of land, which is called the right-of-way (лінія відвода).

The right-of-way must be carefully prepared for laying down the tracks. At first it must be cleared from trees, bushes and then graded by special machines known as graders.

After the right of way is cleared and graded the permanent way is constructed. Ties and rails are laid upon the ballast foundation and the ballast is packed between the ties and on each side of the track to hold the ties in place.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 516 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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