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My future profession and career

Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open to them: technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing professions in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can’t decide even after leaving school.
Choosing the kind of career to follow is probably one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Before you make this decision you will have to do a lot of thinking about who you are, about the things you like to do and the things you do well. It is an advantage to choose a future career while at school. It gives a goal to work towards and enables to choose a right, suitable course of study. When deciding your future you must be realistic about your interests and abilities.


There are a lot of magazines for teenagers that often offer questionnaires, quizzes or surveys to help young people to see their interests and abilities more clearly and to make a decision concerning their future occupation.

Frankly speaking at present I have a very vogue idea about my future career and I am unable to give a detailed account of the activities it will involve.

But I am convinced that for every trade, profession or occupation you have to acquire necessary skills and practical experience. Not all professions require higher education and they are of great demand now and satisfy the needs of society. But I see things a little differently, because it is my firm belief that learning is the greatest of all adventures, and being a highly educated person gives you top priority and a position in society and what is most important – self-satisfaction. And now being not so far from leaving school the career sounds interesting to me if I have a higher education, good working conditions, if I can get steady salary, if it suits my interests, if it is not monotonous and gives me promotion in the future, if it helps me to establish myself in life and can give me independence and opportunities to develop special abilities and of course if I'm able to take it up and my interests can be channeled in to this work.

As for me in future I would like to become an interpreter. I know that interpreters have opportunities to visit different countries and continents. It attracts me, because I’ll get acquainted with various peoples and I’ll learn their customs, rituals and traditions. I’m sure that this creative profession enriches our mind and we become more educated. I think that an interpreter is a very useful profession, because it helps people to communicate. But of course if you want to be an interpreter, you will need definite qualification. At first you must know one foreign language at least. It’s good, if you know English (the language of the planet) and any other language. Also you should know colloquial expressions and slang. You should know the history of the country the language of which you are studying, ways of life that are typical for this country, etc. And of course you must be a sociable, communicative and patient person. I think that this kind of career will suit me because I have almost all qualifications that are needed. But I must continue to work with English grammar and vocabulary as well and German pronunciation. I like this job and I hope that I’ll become an interpreter. I hope that my dream will be realized. I try to read English books in the original, learn 10 words at a time and listen to English songs every day, because I want to fulfill my ambitions.

A7 According to the text, before choosing a job a person should

1. consult a specialist about personality type

2. do some career-guidance tests

3. understand things you are interested in most of all

A8 The author supposes that it is an advantage

1. to choose a career if you understand your merits and demerits

2. to choose a career in advance when you learn at school

3. to choose a career you haven’t been interested in

A9 In text it was said thatto help young people to discover their interests and abilities one should

1. make a suggestion

2. write a scientific research

3. use different periodicals

A10 Which is NOT TRUE about the author?

1. He hasn’t got clear idea about his future career.

2. He has got a detailed plan concerning his future occupation.

3. He thinks that it is unnecessary to know what is going on in the future.

A11 The author’s strong belief is that learning is

1. purposeless waste of time

2. pure luxury

3. essential part of every human being

A12 The author takes an interest in foreign languages and wants to becomean interpreter because

1. interpreters lead an interesting life and they establish contacts between people

2. interpreters don’t depend on anybody

3. interpretersget both high salary and position in the society

A13 From author’s words it is followed that to be a good interpreter you should

1. have a lot of qualifications

2. go to foreign languages courses in England

3. be a good speaker

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 612 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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