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Work and inspiration

Some people say that it 0 ___is____ impossible to work without inspiration. Others say that inspiration is not essential. People of different professions B1_________for inspiration for centuries. But we still don’t know what inspiration is and where it can be found. Many people wonder whether inspiration is important in our lives and what makes us feel it. In my opinion, inspiration is part and parcel of the creative process. In this state we are capable of B2_________discoveries, writing poems, inventing new things and making something unusual. Every masterpiece of art, literature, music or architecture has been created thanks to inspiration. This wonderful feeling B3_________nothing in common with mediocrity, boredom or idleness. When I feel inspiration, I can work for many hours running and I never feel tired or bored. On the contrary, I am full of energy and enthusiasm. However, some people say that they have no inspiration. They consider their lives to be monotonous and say that every day is exactly like the previous one. Working, saving, planning, bringing up their children, doing household chores – these are the daily aspects of their lives. But I think that inspiration is everywhere and it B4_________in every soul. Sometimes looking at the rising sun, falling leaves or smiling children we feel the desire to create. Many things can inspire B5_________and fill our head with new ideas and thoughts. To conclude, only love of their work and inspiration can make people create beautiful and unusual things. Inspiration is very important because it makes us work, think, search, create and express ourselves. Inotherwords, itmakesuslive.   BE LOOK MAKE HAVE LIVE WE

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 323 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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