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Booking Airline Tickets by Telephone

Travel Agency Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you?

Passenger: I’d like to reserve a seat on a morning flight to Boston next Monday.

Clerk: I can offer you two flights: at 7.30 a.m. and at 10 a.m.. Which would you prefer?

P: I’d rather go by the 7.30.

C: First class or economy?

P: Economy, please.

C: O.K. Anything else?

P: When is the plane due in Boston?

C: At 12.30. There are no delays as a rule. Your name, address and telephone number, please.

P: (gives the information required)

C: We’ll deliver the tickets two days before your departure. Thank you for calling us.

7. Remember the following expressions:

with 35 minutes delay – с задержкой в 35 минут

after an hour’s delay – после часовой задержки

without delay – без задержек, без проволочек

a delay in payment (delivery) – задержка платежа (поставки)

8. Translate into Russian:

1. The plane landed after an hour’s delay.

2. I hope there won’t be another delay.

3. There was a delay in delivery.

4. What time does the train arrive?

5. What time is the train due in London?

6. We got to the station half an hour before their arrival.

7. The ship arrived at the port with two hour’s delay.

8. We are looking forward to your arrival in Moscow.

9. All the signatures were collected without delay.


to arrive at a station (a port, an airport) – пункт прибытия

to arrive in Moscow – в город в страну

9. Fill in the prepositions:

1. The plane arrived … the airport … three hour’s delay.

2. … a short delay the plane landed.

3. All the documents will be signed … delay.

4. Your train leaves … platform 9.

5. When we arrived … London, it was raining.

6. When the train arrived … the station, we started looking … our friends … the passengers.

10. You are in London. It’s necessary to buy an airline ticket to Kiev. Answer the questions of a Travel agent.

Travel agent: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

You: (поздоровайтесь, спросите, можно ли купить 1 билет эконом. класса до Киева на вторник, 7 октября)

T. a.: Let me see… I’m very sorry, Sir. There are no seats left for Kiev on Tuesday.

You: (спросите, остались ли билеты на тот же рейс на среду)

T. a.: Just a minute, Sir… Yes. There are some seats left for Tuesday.

You: (скажите, что среда Вас устраивает и спросите, сколько стоит билет и включены ли в стоимость билета сборы в аэропорту)

T. a.: It’s 198 pounds, Sir, including airport taxes… Here you are.

You: (узнайте у агента номер рейса, спросите, когда рейс отбывает из Лондона, и когда он прибывает в Киев, поблагодарите агента)

11. You got a call from your business partner. Put him the following questions:

- какого числа он собирается к вам приехать;

- когда прибывает его рейс;

- пообещайте встретить его в аэропорту;

- спросите, не заказать ли ему номер в гостинице;

- пожелайте ему счастливого и приятного пути.

12. Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 472 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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