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Say if these statements true or false

1) It is the world’s second biggest electronic company.

2) It has produced over 100 million TV sets.

3) Its headquarters are in Amsterdam.

4) It was the first company to produce compact discs.

5) It is active in a small number of specialized businesses.

6) It provides the lights for famous land marks such as London’s Tower Bridge.

11. Read the texts once again. Why are these dates so important for the company? Use the model:

1891. This date is important for Philips because……

1891, 1914, 1984, 1983, the 1920s

12. Find in the text the figures corresponding to the following information:

Example: The approximate number of designer working for Philips is 400.

1) The number of people working for Philips worldwide.

2) The number of countries with sales and service outlets.

3) The number of countries where Philips has research facilities.

4) The approximate number of scientists working in Philips’ research laboratories.

5) The number of integrated circuits produced every day.

Match the words from the left and the right columns.

Example: an innovation – the introduction of a new idea

a patent main offices

diversification a place or address

a range a planned series of actions

headquarters a selection or series

a location making different types of products

a strategy an agreed course of action

a policy the right to make or sell an invention

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 502 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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