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Practice your vocabulary. Use the substitution patterns

1) - Can I get to Sochi (Odessa, Helsinki) by air?

- Yes, of course: you can get there by air as well as by sea (by land, by railway, by bus).

2) - Excuse me, please, where’s the booking-office (the Information Bureau, the time-table, Platform 6, the dining-car)?

- It’s just opposite the entrance (round the corner, downstairs, through the subway).

3) - I want to book a first-class ticket to N. (a single ticket, a return ticket, a seat).

- Sorry, we are all booked up for today.

4) - I’d like two tickets for the 7 o’clock train (the express, the fast train, the morning plane, Flight 756) to Glasgow (Warsaw, Berlin, Omsk, Lvov).

- You are welcome.

5) - What does a ticket (a return ticket, a seat) to Odessa coast?

- It’s 15 dollars (pounds).

3. Read the dialogues:

1) - Excuse me, sir, where’s the booking-office?

- It’s over there, opposite the main entrance.

- Thank you, very much.

- It’s all right.

2) - When are you leaving, Alec?

- At 11.30 tomorrow morning. I’ve already packed my suit-case.

- How long will you be away?

- About a week. The same ship will bring me back.

3) - Excuse me, please, which is the platform for London?

- It’s Platform 4 through the subway.

- Thank you.

- Not at all.

4) - Please, 2 tickets to Liverpool.

- Single, madam?

- One single and one return.

- Here you are, madam. And here’s the change. Thank you.

5) - What would you like to do next summer?

- I plan to go to Bulgaria.

- How are you going to get there – by train, by sea or by air?

- In fact, I didn’t think of it yet. I believe by train will be more interesting.

6) - Excuse me, sir, where can I park the car?

- The car park is over there.

- Thank you. And where’s a petrol station?

- It’s just round the corner, to the right.

7) - Good morning!

- Good morning, can I help you?

- Yes, I’d like to know when the next train from here to Bath is?

- From here to Bath, that’s at 11.36; it runs via Bristol and gets into Bath at 2.15.

- I see, and how much are the tickets?

- Single or return?

- Single, please.

- They are ₤22.50.

- All right, I’d like two then.

- Two tickets for Bath, here you are. That’s ₤45, then, please.

- ₤50 and ₤5 change. Here are your tickets.

- Thank you.

8) - I’ve found out from this time-table that there are several trains to Brighton daily.

- Yes, quite so. The nearest is at 12.20.

- Well. I’ll take it. Two tickets, please.

- Single or return?

- Return, please.

- Here you are. One upper and one lower. The train is leaving from platform 3.

- Is there a buffet-car on the train? We’d like to have a snack.

- Unfortunately, no. But if you hurry up, you can get a snack at a cafeteria in the station, otherwise you have to do without breakfast.

- Thank you very much.

- Not at all.

4. Act the dialogue, remember new vocabulary:

to accept a proposal – принять предложение

the main principles of the agreement – основные положения соглашения

If it’s not too much trouble – если вас не затруднит

What is it? – В чем дело?

As far as I know… - Насколько мне известно…

As a rule… - Как правило

- Hello. Is it TST Systems?

- Yes.

- This is John Cartwright from Continental Equipment speaking. May I talk to Mr. Petrenko?

- Yes. Petrenko speaking…

- I’m new Commercial Director of Continental Equipment. I have pleasure in informing you that we carefully studied your materials and decided to accept your proposals.

- Thank you, Mr. Cartwright.

- Will you come to Brighton and discuss the main principles of your agreement in detail? When are you going to come?

- On Wednesday, next week.

- That’s fine.

- What hotel in Brighton may I stay at?

- I’d recommend the Northern Star Hotel. It is very nice and it isn’t very expensive. Shall we reserve a room for you?

- Yes. If it’s not too much trouble. I’d like to book a single room with private bathroom for three nights.

- O.K., Goodbye, Mr. Petrenko. Have a good trip.

- Goodbye, Mr. Cartwright. See you next week.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 399 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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