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Debate the major points of the text either in pairs or in teams. Use the arguments and counter-arguments below


1. A happy childhood is a myth.

2. Children have no right to opinions of their own; adults choose their clothes, books, even friends.

3. The children are manipulated by the grown-ups so as not to interfere with them.


4. The difference between manhood and childhood is the difference between independence and subjection.

5. The years of school are hard: homework to prepare every day, examinations to take, lack of understanding on the part of the teachers.

6. The grown-ups are tyrants : the everlasting "don't-do-that's" and "do-as-I-tell-you's" are hard to bear.

7. Children are vulnerable ; they suffer from the ignorance of the world around them, from unreasonable fears, nightmares faced alone.

8. Adolescence подростковый возраст is the most painful time: lack of self-confidence; over-consciousness понимание of one's appearance; shyness and diffidence робость, неуверенность в себе.

9. Adolescence is the time of intense, sometimes violent feelings which may lead to unpredictable actions.

10. An adolescent подросток may feel himself alone in what seems to him a hostile adult world.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 284 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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