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Study the counter-arguments to the text you have read and discuss the problems raised in class using both the arguments of the text and the counter-arguments that follow

(The group should be as usual divided into two parts, one part supporting the cause of the young and the\other that of the older generation.)

The young do not seek responsibility: they evade it.

They are not interested in important questions; avoid involve­ment: e.g. major political issues, etc.; they lack noble ideals .

They want expensive clothes, cars, etc. without working for them.

The young should be grateful to the older generation.

The older generation bequeathed оставили в наследство peace and freedom which the young enjoy.

The older generation provides the young with good education, money to spend.

The older generation fought World War II, faced difficult, some­times tragic problems. The young have had everything easy.

The young cling to passing fashions: clothes, pop music, rock music. The modern phenomenon is mass hysteria.

Too much permissiveness вседозволенность leads to immorality when normal mor­al standards are labelled as "inhibitions".

Appearance of many young people is unpleasant: too long un­kempt hair, dirty clothes, unwashed bodies.

5. Tell the class what you think about the parent-child relationship. What should it be like? What is the way to achieve a perfect mutual understanding?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 381 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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