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Discuss the following in dialogues arguing the point

1. "Paul feels free to express himself with me just as he would with his friends. He accepts me as a kind of friend."

Do you think that this kind of teacher-pupil relationship is accept­able? Should there exist a kind of "distance" between teacher and pupil? Should the pupil's familiarity be encouraged or discouraged?

2. "Teenagers aren't really so different."

Aren't they? If they are, in what? If they are not, try to prove it.

3. "But look at the way they dress and their hair!"

Yes! What about juvenile юношеская clothes and fashions?! And as to hair, it is, of course, a heart-breaking topic of many domestic rows.

4. "The so-called generation gap is a myth."

Is it? Why then is it so much talked about?

5. "The idea of teenagers who have rejected the values of their


parents for a sort of mixture of violence and lethargy is totally unre­alistic."

Let us hope it is unrealistic. But both violence and lethargy of the young do seem to be existent phenomena. Or don't they?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 397 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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