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Topical Vocabulary. 1.Remember the following words and word combinations: giving credit to a great demand unemployed preservation nutritional value well-being

1.Remember the following words and word combinations:

giving credit to a great demand unemployed preservation nutritional value well-being flesh muscular tissue connective tissue gland nitrogenous extractives canning curing віддаючи належне великий попит безробітний зберігання поживна цінність благополуччя м’якоть м’язова тканина сполучна тканина залоза азотні екстрактивні речовини консервування заготовка

2.Read and translate paying attention to the active words and word combinations.


There are a lot of professions that are important, useful and interesting. Engineers and factory workers make a lot of things for us. Architects and builders build houses to live in. Farmers grow crops and raise cattle to provide food for people. Doctors cure diseases and save our lives. Teachers give us knowledge and shape our minds and characters.

Giving credit toall these professions I have chosen another one for myself. I made up my mind to be …

A. … a specialist in food technologies. I think it is an interesting and useful occupation. As Ukraine is an agricultural area, there is a great demand for specialists in agricultural production. That’s why I believe I won’t be unemployed after graduation from the University. I hope I’ll make a good specialist.

So I’d like to tell you about my future profession. My future profession deals with the preservation and processing technologies of milk and meat.

Man used milk and milk products long ago. Scientists proved that this food has exceptional nutritional values. No other single food in the world can compare with milk in this respect. Six basic essential nutrients are necessary for good health and well-being of people of all ages: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. Milk and its products contain all those specific nutrients. They are present in different amounts larger or smaller, in relation to human needs. Milk is a basic product for preparation of such products as butter, cream, different kinds of cheese, cakes, some kinds of bread and sweets. Our milk processing factories constantly work to renew the assortment of their production, to improve its quality and design. For example, JSC “Shostka City Milk Factory” produces 87 items of dairy produce and among them are 40 sorts of ice-cream, sour cream, yoghurt, cheese.

Meat means the flesh of any animal used for food. The meats found in the market are beef (cattle), veal (calf), pork (swine), lamb and mutton (sheep). Meat, as it is purchased in the market, consists of muscular tissue, connective tissue, bones, glands and edible organs. Meats contain proteins, fats, water, inorganic salts, nitrogenous extractives, non-nitrogenous extractives, carbohydrates, enzymes and pigments. Meat is one of the most important sources of protein. Meat may be preserved for future in several ways: canning, curing (examples of cured meats are: corned beef, dried beef, ham, bacon, salt pork and some other types of sausage), freezing quickly at a very low temperature. There are some meat processing plants in Sumy region. One of them is JSC “Sumy Meat Processing Plant”. It specialises in high quality meat and delicatessen production of wide assortment. Being equipped with modern equipment, the plant uses advanced technologies.

B. … a livestock specialist. I think it is an interesting and useful occupation. As Ukraine is an agricultural area, there is a great demand for livestock specialists. That’s why I believe I won’t be unemployed after graduation from the University. I hope I’ll make a good specialist.

So I’d like to tell you about my future profession. My future profession deals with livestock.

Farm animals are of great value for the man. Most of them furnish people with food. Farm animals give us meat – pork, beef, veal, mutton; lard, milk, butter, cheese, etc. Much of our clothing is made of the wool or skin of farm animals. They are also very useful for the soil fertility. That’s why it is necessary to know how to keep farm animals correctly. At the University we learn to take care of farm animals. We must know under what conditions the animals can withstand bad weather, when losses may occur and how the animals must be fed. Domestic animals consume and digest different kinds of feed (roughage, grass etc) and then convert it into meat or milk for human food. Their ration must be balanced by proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. It’s very important to learn the peculiarities of the animal’s stomach to know what quantity of feed and water the cows, sheep, pigs or horses require. You must be also very careful while feeding pregnant animals and their future little ones (calves, piglets etc.). Animals of different breeds (pure ones or crosses) must be kept in different conditions. A livestock specialist must know and investigate it.

My dream is to be a good specialist. I understand that my future profession needs deep knowledge, that’s why I try to do my best to study well and prepare for my future work. To be a good specialist it’s necessary to learn home and foreign experience. That’s why we have to study English well to read the literature in English, to correspond with English-speaking scientists and understand them at different conferences.

3.Answer the questions.

1.What are you going to be?

2.Aren’t you afraid of being unemployed in future? Why?

3.What does your future profession deal with?

4.Why is it so important to know foreign languages for specialists in agriculture?

5.Where would you like to work after the graduation from the University?

4.Here is a list of adjectives describing qualities certain professions need. Read the sentences and fill in the correct adjectives.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 450 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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