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be beat become begin bend bet bite blow break bring build burst buy catch choose come cost cut deal dig do draw drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find fly forbid forget forgive freeze get give go grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep know lay lead leave lend let lie light lose make mean meet pay put read ride ring rise run say see seek sell send set sew shake shine shoot show shrink shut sing sink sit sleep speak spend   split   spread stand steal stick sting stink strike swear sweep swim swing take teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write was, were beat became began bent bet bit blew broke brought built burst bought caught chose came cost cut dealt dug did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forbade forgot forgave froze got gave went grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew laid led left lent let lay lit lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shone shot showed shrank shut sang sank sat slept spoke spent   split   spread stood stole stuck stung stank struck swore swept swam swung took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote been beaten become begun bent bet bitten blown broken brought built burst bought caught chosen come cost cut dealt dug done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen got given gone grown hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept known laid led left lent let lain lit lost made meant met paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen sought sold sent set sewn/sewed shaken shone shot shown shrunk shut sung sunk sat slept spoken spent   split   spread stood stolen stuck stung stunk struck sworn swept swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written бути бити зробитися, стати починати гнути битися об заклад кусати дути ламати приносити будувати лопнути, вибухнути купувати ловити вибирати приходити коштувати різати, рубити мати справу копати робити малювати пити вести їсти падати годувати почувати (себе) боротися, битися находити літати забороняти забувати прощати замерзати отримувати давати йти, ходити рости, ставати вішати, висіти мати чути ховати ударяти тримати ушкодити, поранити тримати, зберігати знати класти вести залишати позичати дозволяти лежати запалювати втрачати робити значити зустрічати платити класти читати їздити верхи дзвонити підніматися бігти сказати бачити шукати продавати посилати поміщати шити трясти сяяти стріляти показувати стискуватися закривати співати тонути сидіти спати розмовляти витрачати (гроші), проводити (час) дробити, розбивати, розділяти поширювати стояти красти приклеювати жалити смердіти бити, страйкувати присягати мести, підмітати плавати гойдатися брати вчити рвати казати думати кидати розуміти прокидатися носити перемагати писати



Text 1. Classes of Animals

1.Read and translate the text using a dictionary.

The ordinary farm animals belong to the large group known as Vertebrata, or animals with a backbone. Fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals all have a backbone. All of these animals do not suckle their young, but the ordinary farm animals do, and hence they are classified as Mammalia. (Mamma is the Latin word for breast). The capability to produce milk is one of the three main classes: herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous.

Herbivorous animals are those that live chiefly on plants. These are: cattle, deer, horses, sheep and rabbits. As they consume coarse foods, for example leaves and stems of plants, they need considerably larger amount of common salt than is supplied by their usual feeds. The cow, the ox, the sheep and the goat belong to the ruminants (animals which chew the cud). Unlike the pig they are capable of digesting a large quantity of coarse fibrous material due to their compound stomachs.

Carnivorous (flesh-eating animals) such as cats, dogs, sharks, etc. Need no additional salt because they live on the bodies of others animals.

Omnivorous animals, such as pigs, bears, rats and others utilize both plant and animal food.


backbone хребет

to suckle смоктати

capability можливість

herbivorous травоїдний

carnivorous плотоїдний

omnivorous всеїдний

2.Make up questions of different types to the text.

3.Retell the text.

Text 2 Mammals

1.Read and translate the text using a dictionary.

When man, the dominant species on earth, looks around him, he must realize at once that he shares his home, our planet, with a vast number of other living things. Man himself is a mammal and also there re many of the animals with whom he is most closely associated: the dogs and cats which often share his life; the cows and sheep and pigs upon which he feeds; the oxen, donkeys and horses which, until very recently, pulled his ploughs, carried his burdens and gave him his most effective means of transport, and the rats and mice which, even in an age when hygiene has become a fetish, still manage to appear as unwelcome guests in his home.

Quite apart from such familiar creatures, a richly varied cast of wild mammals is still spread in astonishing diversity over the face of the earth.


burden ноша

creature істота

diversity відмінність, несхожість

hygiene гігієна

fetish ідол, кумир

2.Make up questions of different types to the text.

3.Retell the text

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 652 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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