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View of Britain

Intrviewer: Hello. I’m interviewing people about what they like or don’t like about England. Can I ask you some questions?

Helen: Yes, of course.

I: Are you a tourist?

H: No, I’m a student at language school.

I: And where are you from?

H: Greece.

I: What’s your name?

H: Helen Gogos.

I: Thank you. Well, Helen, what do you like about England?

H: I like the people. They are very friendly.

I: What don’t you like?

H: I don’t like the weather. It’s too cold for me. And your times

are all wrong.

I: What do you mean?

H: Well, you eat at the wrong times. At my language school we have lunch at half past twelve. But I am not hungry then. In my country, I eat at three o’clock and then I have a rest. Here in England I have lessons in the afternoons, but I’m tired and I want to sleep. And then everything closes very early. All the shops close at half past five and all the restaurants and pubs close at eleven o’clock or half past ten at night. But I love your sweets and English breakfasts are great.

I: Thank you very much, Helen.

2.Say what Helen likes and dislikes about England.

3.What do you think people like or don’t like about your country? Discuss it with your group mate.


Grammar: The Conditional Mood (revision) Topic: Higher Education In Great Britain Reading: Text A. Learning to Combine the World of Work and Study Text B. The AU-PAIR In Britain Talking points


The Conditional Mood



1.Refer the following sentences of real condition to the future and change the verb form.

1.If you know you answer all the questions. 2.If we do our homework nobody helps us. 3.You do not see the square if you look out of the window. 4.He comes to school by bus if he is late. 5.We see old things if the history museum is open. 6.If he can repair his bicycle he goes cycling. 7.She does not go to the theatre if she cannot get a ticket.

2.Open the brackets

1.If she (like) the car will she buy it? 2.If I (not hear) from him by next Friday I’ll send him a telegram. 3.If I (pass) the exam I’ll go to the university. 4.If she (wash up) I will be grateful. 5.If you (take) the pills you will recover soon. 6.If you (be) at home I’ll ring you up. 7.If I (see) him again I will give him my book. 8.If she (need) a CD player she can borrow mine. 9.If you (tell) the police the truth, they’ll believe you. 10.If it (be) fine tomorrow, we’ll go for a walk.

3.Change the sentences of real condition into sentences of unreal condition

1.If the storm is over we’ll have a pleasant walk. 2.If it becomes cold, they will start heating the rooms. 3.He will let me know if he goes to Australia. 4.He will be late if he walks so slowly. 5.The dog will catch the stick if it is thrown into the river. 6. If it snows the streets will be cleared of snow. 7. If the weather keeps dry we’ll have to water the flowers. 8.We won’t see anything if the night is very dark. 9.The room will look warmer if the walls are painted yellow. 10.The dust and noises of the street won’t reach us if the trees grow bigger.

4.What would you do? If possible, say why?

you win $100

you can’t find your way home in the woods

you see an accident on a lonely country road

you find a baby dog in the fields

you play football and break a window

5.What would you do if?

1.If I won a $1,000,000 …

2.If I were an English teacher …

3.If I could travel anywhere else in the world …

4.If I were President of …

5.If I could have any job I wanted …

6.If today were the last day of my life …

6.Complete the following sentences

1.I would have enjoyed the party much more if … 2.If the sea had not been so rough I … 3.If you had taken my advice … 4.If I had realized that you were really serious in what you said … 5.If it had not been for you … 6.Would you have lent him the money if … 7.if he had told me the truth … 8.I’m sure she wouldn’t have married him if …

7.Write conditional sentences based on the given facts

1.He failed his examination last year, so he is taking it again in June. 2.You didn’t remember to bring a cork-screw, so we can’t open the bottle. 3.We missed the train, so we’re waiting on this cold platform. 4.There was a very sharp frost last night, so we’re able to go skating today. 5.Since you didn’t take my advice, you’re in a difficult position now.

8.Translate into English

1.Якби я її добре знав, я б зателефонував їй додому. 2.Якби театр був ближче, ми б пішли додому пішки. 3.Якби вчора ввечері не пішов дощ, ми б могли піти додому пішки. 4.Я відправлю йому телеграму, якщо він не приїде. 5.Ви б не запізнилися на поїзд, якби взяли таксі. 6.На вашому місті, я б став вивчати комп’ютерну справу. 7.Якщо ви мені допоможете, я закінчу роботу до вечора. 8.Якби він краще знав англійську, він отримав би гарну роботу.

9.Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to the use of conditional sentences.

1.”I would certainly give you the number of my room if I had one,” said Jim Nicholas. 2.What would you do if he changed his mind? 3.”If I only saw my benefactor, I would tell him how grateful I was,” said Charles. 4.”If I didn’t have a confirmed reservation, I wouldn’t be here,” Jim Nicholas said to the clerk. 5.”If you had informed us about it, we would not have reserved the hotel for the convention,” said Dr Ingram. 6.”If my son hadn’t made up his mind to become a painter, I wouldn’t have gone to Mr. Mendoza,” said his mother. 7.If you had made an appointment with Mr. Bentley last week, it would be possible to settle the matter today. 8.If you had lent him a textbook the day before yesterday, he would be prepared for today’s lesson. 9.” Were he talented, I would teach him,” said the old pianist. 10. Could I manage it myself I wouldn’t be asking you for help. 11. Had he been really interested in the problem he would have read all those books. 12.If you had seen the film, you would know what I meant. 13.If only you examined the problem. 14.If only he hadn’t refused to join them. 15.Suppose he were (was) a promising actor. 16.But for his mother he would have given up French. 17.But for the rain they would be enjoying the trip.

10.Point out the Subjunctive Mood and explain its use in the sentences.

1.I’m afraid she would have had no holiday if you had not invited her. 2.It seemed as though it were not her own voice.3.Would you recognize him if you saw him? 4.I wish you told me how to become young again. 5.It was necessary that the sacrifice should be made. 6.And so he felt as if he were merely coming back from a day excursion to Manchester. 7.Oh, how she wished her aunt came. 8.If you were a mother, you’d understand. 9.At one moment he felt as if he had never gone away. 10.I wish I could see her face. 11.And how she dreaded lest he should learn she was alone. 12.He looked at you as if he had never seen a woman before. 13.I wish you wrote me. 14.If I didn’t make any acquaintances in that way, I shouldn’t have any at all. 15. In the same low tone, as if afraid lest the walls should hear her, she answered, “Dead”. 16.Anyone who had known his life’s story would have said it.17. If he hadn’t come back, I shouldn’t ever have told you.

11.Translate into English.

1.На вашому місці я поїхав би туди поїздом. 2.Він купив би піаніно минулого року, але в той час у нього не було грошей. 3.Ми б відправили посилку зараз, але пошта вже зачинена. 4.Вони пішли б у кіно сьогодні ввечері, але їм треба готуватися до екзамену. 5.Я певна, що мій брат допоміг би вам відремонтувати квартиру. 6.Якби не ви, ми заблудилися б. 7.Якби не дощ, діти пішли б до річки. 8.Хотілося б, щоб це було так. 9.Шкода, що ви не взяли участі в шаховому турнірі. 10.Я дуже жалкую, що не можу піти туди. 11.Шкода, що ти не бачив їхньої стінгазети. 12.Хотілося б, щоб вони прийшли завтра. 13.Даремно ви сказали їй про це. 14.На жаль, вона не знає англійської мови. 15.Мені хотілося б, щоб ви обговорили фільм завтра. 16.Прикро, що він не закінчив роботи вчасно. 17.Шкода, що ви запізнилися на поїзд.

12.Translate into English.

1.Сьогодні так тепло, ніби вже весна. 2.Наш учитель так добре знає Лондон, наче він там жив. 3.У неї такий вигляд, ніби вона дуже стомлена. 4.Мені здається, ніби я ніколи не бачила такого лісу. 5.Катя така бліда, наче вона хвора. 6.Її сестра поводиться так, наче вона мала дитина. 7.Він так говорить, ніби нічого не знає про це. 8.Вони так добре знають одне одного, наче провели разом багато років. 9.Він так дивився на мене, наче збирався щось сказати.

13.Translate into English.

1.Необхідно, щоб усі учні робили ранкову зарядку. 2.Дуже важливо, щоб ви прочитали цю статтю. 3.Боюсь, щоб вона не захворіла. 4.Ми встали о шостій ранку, щоб не запізнитися на поїзд. 5.Не може бути, щоб вони вже повернулися додому. 6.Дивно, що тебе ніхто не побачив. 7.Якщо ви все ж побачите Ніну, запросіть її прийти на наш вечірку.


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