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Text. Successful Farming Depends on the Soil

1.Read and translate.

Successful farming means making the best and the most scientific use of natural conditions, land, crops, livestock, machinery and all the other things which have to be put together to make the farming system work. Important points to be taken into consideration are: the soil types of the district, annual rainfalls, maximum and minimum temperature. The various factors that make up soil fertility are: moisture conditions, plant food and soil structure. All these factors influence the quality of plant, what later results in yield. The important job for farmer is to get the land into good condition and to keep it that way. Such land is more easily cultivated, provides better conditions for germination of seed and for crop growth and in the end produces better crops. The only crops which supply part of their plant food needs are the legumes. By means of their roots they take the nitrogen they need from the air, and with it they feed not only themselves but other plants growing with and sometimes other crops grown in the following year. That’s why legumes are said to improve soil and manure, or form the fertilizers applied.

In order to understand the scientific growing of crops one must know the temperature requirements of plants as well, the optimum temperature for germination and growth varying with different kinds of plants. In fact crops vary in their climatic requirements. For example, winter wheat is grown in regions where the climate is cool with somewhat dry harvest period. A good winter wheat climate is not the same as that for corn. Corn is a summer crop, not being planted until after the soil has been well warmed up. Oats and barley do best in cool, moist climate, as well as potatoes. Their yield is better in cool regions. Cotton is highly important crop throughout the warmer parts of the world. It can withstand periods of drought and still produce satisfactory yields. Vegetables, because of their high adaptability, are grown over a wide range of soil and climatic conditions, soils of good physical properties being especially important. Such vegetables as tomatoes and cucumbers are often grown on a large scale under glass. To obtain a high yield of good quality crop it is necessary to choose the proper variety best adapted to the conditions of the soil of the region where it is to be grown.


to take into consideration приймати до уваги

yield урожай

provide забезпечувати

germination проростання, розвиток

supply постачати

legumes бобові

nitrogen азот

manure гній

2.Answer the questions.

1.What does successful farming mean?

2.What are the important points of successful farming?

3.What are the factors that make up the soil fertility?

4.What does the cultivated soil provide?

5.Do the legumes improve the soil fertility?

6.What must we know before growing the plants?

7.What is necessary to do to obtain a high yield of good quality crop?

3.Retell the text.


1. Read, learn and act.

- Welcome to our land, a land of legend and glory.

- It’s the first time we are here.

- Then a few words about our region. Sumy region was founded in 1939 from the districts of Poltava, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions. And now it includes 7 cities of regional subordination and 18 districts. It is an area famous for its fabulous nature. The territory of the region is crossed by the Psel river with its sandy banks, the blue Sula, the turbulent Seim and the crystal clean Vorskla, the glorified in songs Desna and the quiet Esman.

- What branches are sufficient for the economy of your region?

- Our region is famous for its chemical giants, oil and gas extraction enterprises, machine building and instrument industries.

- And what about agriculture? I know that the climate and soil in your region are perfect for the development of this branch.

- You are absolutely right. Our black topsoils are the biggest treasure for our economy.

- What do you grow?

- Sugar beets, winter wheat, winter rye, spring barley, buckwheat, millet, maize, sunflower, potatoes and other vegetables are the crops we grow.

- And what about animal husbandry?

- It is also an important branch of farm production. Our farms specialize in meat-dairy cattle raising, poultry farming, fishing. Bee-keeping is being developed too. Much work is done on the improvement of animal breeds. By the way, you’ll have a chance to see everything with your own eyes when visiting one of the agricultural enterprises.

2.Make up a dialogue “Visiting an agricultural enterprise”.


Grammar: Conditional Sentences Topic: My Native Town (Village) Reading: Text A. Kalynivka Text B. The Brave Village Talking Points


Conditional Sentences

There are three types of conditional sentences in the English language.

First-type Conditional sentences express a possible condition and its probable result in the future. In the subordinate clause (condition) the verb is used in Present Indefinite, in the main clause (result) the verb is used in Future Indefinite.

e.g. If the weather is fine we shall go Якщо погода буде гарна, ми

for a walk підемо на прогулянку.

Second-type Conditional sentences express an unreal situation and its probable result referring to the present or future. The situation or condition is improbable, impossible, imaginary, or contrary to known facts. In the subordinate clause (condition) the verb is used in the Present Subjunctive II, in the main clause the verb is used in Present Conditional.

Third-type Conditional sentences express an unreal situation contrary to the facts in the past. In the subordinate clause (condition) the verb is used in the Past Subjunctive II, in the main clause the verb is used in Past Conditional.

  Subordinate clause Main clause
First conditional If + V (Vs) will (shall) + V can, may, must + V
Second conditional If + Ved (II) would (should) + V could/might + V
Third conditional If + had Ved (III) would (should) + haveVed(III) could/might + have Ved(III)

I. We will go to the seaside if the weather is fine.

II. If I spoke Spanish I would go to Spain.

III. If I had left earlier I would have caught the train.

Mixed conditionals

All types of conditionals can be mixed and any tenses combinations are possible.

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