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If you had eaten proper food you would be healthy and happy now


1.Translate into Ukrainian.

1.If my mother buys a cake, we shall have a very nice tea-party. 2. If we receive a telegram from him, we shall not worry. 3. If you don’t work systematically, you will fail at the examination. 4.The students will plant the seeds if they receive the new instructions. 5. They will show you the files if you come in time. 6. If you feed your cows with the good food you will get a lot of milk.7. If you put some sugar in the tea it will taste better.

2.Put the verb in the appropriate form.

M O D E L: If you (to be) free, I shall come to see you.

If you are free, I shall come to see you.

1.If you (to be) busy, I shall leave you alone. 2.If he (to live) in Moscow, he will visit the Tretyakov Gallery. 3. If we (to get) the tickets, we shall go to the Philarmonic. 4.If I (to live) near a wood, I’ll gather a lot of mushrooms. 5. If my father (to return) early, we’ll watch TV together. 6.If she (to know) English, she’ll try to enter the university. 7.If my friend (to come) to see me, I’ll be very glad.

3.Translate into English.

1.Якщо ми приїдемо вчасно на вокзал, ми встигнемо на поїзд. 2.Декан прочитає цю статтю, якщо ви надрукуєте її сьогодні. 3.Вони поїдуть за кордон, якщо зберуть документи. 4.Якщо не буде дощу, студенти поїдуть працювати на ферму. 5. Якщо ви придбаєте квитки на виставу, ми перші подивимося її. 6.Якщо він буде вчити слова кожного дня, він буде знати мову гарно. 7. Ти не потрапиш в дорожньо-транспортну пригоду, якщо будеш дотримуватися правил руху.

4.Change the first-type conditional sentences into the second-type conditional sentences.

M O D E L: If I am not too busy, I shall go to the concert. - If I were not busy, I should go to the concert.

1.If no one comes to help, we shall be obliged to do the work ourselves. 2.If you put on your glasses, you will see better. 3.What shall we do if they are late? 4.Will you be very angry if we don’t come? 5.Will he be very displeased if I don’t ring him up? 6.They will all be surprised if I make such a mistake. 7. If he doesn’t come in time, shall we have to wait for him?

5. Open the brackets putting the verbs into the required form of the third conditional.

M O D E L:If it (to rain) we would have stayed at home. - If it had rained we should have stayed at home.

1.If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 2.I (to write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.3.If you (to give) me your address I would have written you a letter.4. If my sister hadn’t gone to the South, we (to spend) the summer together.5.If you hadn’t been so careless about your health, you (to consult) the doctor. 6.If she (to ask) me yesterday, I would certainly have told her all about it. 7.If I (not to be) present at the lesson, I would not have understood this difficult rule. 8.If they (to know) it before they would have taken measures. 9.If you had really loved music, you (to go) to the concert. 10. If you (not to miss) the train, you would have arrived in time. 11.You would have understood the rule if you (not to miss) the teacher’s explanation. 12.If you had written the test-paper successfully, you (not to get) a “two”.

6.Translate into Ukrainian.

1.If he hadn’t been very busy, he would have agreed to go to the museum with us. 2.If he had read fifty pages his vocabulary would have increased greatly. 3.If I had bought a computer I would have been very happy. 4.You wouldn’t have missed the teacher’s explanation if you had arrived in time. 5.If she had come to our house yesterday, she would have met his friend. 6.He wouldn’t have had a certificate if he hadn’t passed the examinations. 7.If only you had let me know, I would have gone there immediately.

7.Translate into English.

1.Вони посадили б ці квіти, якби одержали насіння минулого тижня. 2.Вони дозволили б дітям поїздити верхи на коні, якби діти були старші. 3.Дівчата прикрасили б ялинку, якби були іграшки. 4.Ми б дали вам касету, якби у вас був відеомагнітофон. 5.Він мав би гарне тіло, якби займався бодібілдінгом. 6.Вона б подарувала йому такий подарунок, якби мала достатньо грошей. 7.Він здав би екзамен, якби вивчив матеріал краще.

8.Choose the correct form of the verbs.

1.If I miss/I’ll miss the bus this afternoon, I’ll get a taxi instead.

2.We’ll have to go without John if he doesn’t arrive / won’t arrive soon.

3.They won’t refund / didn’t refund your money if you don’t keep your receipt.

4.Will you send me a postcard when you reach / you’ll reach Mexico?

5.If I make some coffee, do you cut / will you cut the cake?

6. Did you work / Would you work harder if you were better paid?

7.If you don’t complain / didn’t complain so much, you might be more popular.

8. Weren’t my friends / Wouldn’t my friends be envious if they could only see me now!

9.Fill in the gaps, using the words given in brackets.

1.If I had more money, would you marry (you / marry) me?

2.He wouldn’t help you if ________ (he /not /like) you.

3._________ (you /find) the machine quite simple to operate if you look at the manual.

4._________ (your parents /not /be) proud if they could see you now?

5.If ________ (I /not /revise) thoroughly, I may fail my test.

6.If you wanted to buy someone a really good present, what sort of thing _____ (you /look for)?

7.How ______ (you /feel) if you were in my position?

8.Would you change your job if ______ (you /can)?

10.Complete the questions in the conversations.

1.- I don’t know what’s happened to my dictionary. I’ve looked everywhere for it.

- What will you do if you don’t find it?

- I suppose I’ll have to buy a new one.

2.- I’m thinking of applying for the manager’s job.

- Really? How _______ if _______?

- Oh, about $2,000 a year more than now, I suppose.

3.- I don’t know what I’m going to do about money. I can’t even pay this week’s rent.

- ______ if ______?

- Well, it would help, of course. But I can’t borrow from you.

- Don’t be silly. How much do you want?

4.- This room is so dark and dull.

- What ______ if ______?

- White, I think. And I’d have white curtains.

- You’d spend a lot of time cleaning it.

- But at least I’d be able to see!

5.- I don’t think I’m going to pass my driving test next week.

- What _____ if _____?

- I won’t be able to get the job I want at the warehouse. They said I must be able to drive.

11.Lisa is talking to her tutor about what she might do when she leaves college. Use the words given to make sentences.

-Do you have any plans for next year?

-Well, (1) I /travel /if I /afford it.

- (2) If you /find /a job abroad /you /take it?

- (3) If it /be /somewhere I want to go / I /certainly /consider it carefully.

-What about working as an ‘au pair’? you /not /be so mean?

- (4) I /only /consider /that if I /be / sure about the family.

- (5) If they /not / treat/ me well, / I / be very miserable.

-Yes. (6) You /have to be sure to use a reputable agency.

-We have a list in the office, (7) I / get / you one if you / be interested.

-Yes, I am. Um, (8) if I / decide / to apply/ you/ give/ me a reference?

-Of course. Well, I hope you succeed, whatever you decide to do.

-Thank you very much. I’ll let you know.

-Yes, I’d like that. Goodbye.


12.Make up the conditional sentences using the information. (Don’t forget about mixed types).

1.He is not a first-class sportsman now because he did not train enough last. If …2. The students were active because they wanted to understand this difficult material. If … 3.The students did not understand the homework because they were inattentive. If …4.She won’t try to enter the foreign languages department because she is not good at foreign languages. If … 5.I shall go to the dentist because I have a toothache. If …6.He is groaning with pain now because he did not take any treatment. If … 7.He will not go to see the play as he was present at the dress rehearsal. If …


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