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Local Governments

Ukraine is divided into 24 regions called oblasts and the Crimean Autonomous republic. Each region has its local authorities.

2. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences

Legislative executive Cabinet judicial State Budget

1.An_______ branch is headed by the President.

2.The national parliament is a _______ branch of power.

3.The Supreme Court heads ________ power.

4.The president appoints a _______.

5.The Verkhovna Rada discusses and adopts the ________.

3. Answer the questions.

1.When was the Declaration of the State Sovereignty adopted?

2.What branches is the state power of Ukraine divided to?

3.How many deputies are there in the Verkhovna Rada?

4.Who appoints the Cabinet?

5.Who represents the judicial power?

6.How many administrative regions are there in Ukraine?

Text B. Agriculture of Ukraine

1.Learn the following words and word combinations:

topsoil орний шар ґрунту

treasure скарб

treasury скарбниця

rye жито

barley ячмінь

oats овес

maize кукурудза

buckwheat гречка

grain production виробництво зерна

profits прибутки

animal husbandry тваринництво

meat-dairy cattle м’ясо-молочна худоба

poultry свійська птиця

2.Read and translate the following text.

Ukraine is famous for its agricultural production and is known as the breadbasket of Europe. Steppes and plains compose the most part of the territory of Ukraine. The topsoils are mainly black. They are the biggest treasure of the Ukrainian land. 25% of the world’s black rich soils are in Ukraine. Ukraine’s climate is mainly moderatly continental and the precipitations are 500-600 mm. It enables agriculture to grow different kinds of plants.

Ukraine’s crop production is highly developed. Its grain and potato output almost rivals that of France, and our country is the world’s largest producer of sugar beets. The black soils are exceptionally good for wheat. Besides wheat, Ukraine produces such grains as barley (mostly for animal feed), buckwheat and rye. Other crops include potatoes,vegetables, melons, berries, fruit, nuts and grapes. Ukraine’s most important industrial crop, sugar beet, is concentrated in the forest-steppe zone. Sugar can be called ‘white gold’. This product can bring great profits to Ukraine’s state treasury. Much of it is exported. Truck farming or market gardening is particularly developed on the outskirts of large cities.

Another important branch of farm production is animal husbandry. Animal farms specialize in meat-dairy cattle raising, poultry farming, fishing. Cattle and pigs are raised throughout Ukraine, while chicken, geese and turkey are kept for meat and egg production. Bees are kept in all parts of Ukraine for honey and wax.

The main fishing grounds are the Black Sea estuaries and the Sea of Azov, though the latter is heavily polluted by chemical fertilizers and pesticides. All the main rivers are full of fish but they suffer from pollution, too.

3.Speak about the agriculture of Ukraine.


Read, translate and dramatize the following dialogues.


- Could I ask you a few questions about the state structure of your country?

- You are welcome.

- As far as I know your parliament is called the Verkhovna Rada. Am I right?

- You are quite right. The Verkhovna Rada (the Supreme Soviet) is the only body of legislative power in Ukraine.

- What are its functions?

- The main function of the Verkhovna Rada is making laws and adopting the State Budget.

- And how are the members of the parliament called in Ukraine?

- People’s deputies. There are 450 of them in the Verkhovna Rada.

- By the way, what’s the term of office of the deputies?

- They are elected for four years.

- Sorry, but one more detail. At what age can one be elected to the Verkhovna Rada?

- To be elected as a deputy a person must be at least 21 years old. Besides he (or she) must be a citizen of Ukraine for previous 5 years.

- And who may vote in this country?

- Any person who’s reached the age of 18.

- It is interesting to know when the last elections to the Verkhovna Rada were held?

- Last spring.

- Thank you for your information. It was very interesting and useful.


- Could I ask you a few questions about the state structure of your country?

- You are welcome.

- As far as I know Ukraine is a presidential republic. Is the President the head of your state?

- You are quite right. Really the President is the head of our state.

- And what are his functions?

- First of all the President heads the executive power. He appoints the Prime Minister and the members of the Cabinet and they assist him in carrying out domestic and foreign policy. He is a commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. The President also signs the laws adopted by the Verkhovna Rada. He can veto them.

- By the way, what’s the term of office of the President?

- 5 years with no more than two full terms.

- And who can be elected as the president?

- Any person not younger than 35. Besides he (or she) must be a resident of Ukraine for no less than 10 previous years.

- Sorry, but one more question. When will the next presidential elections be held?

- If I am not mistaken in 2 years.

- Thank you, you’ve been very helpful.


Grammar: Passive Voice (revision) Topic: Kyiv Reading: Text. Where To Go And What To See In Kyiv Talking Points


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