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Use the unjumbled words from exercise 5 to complete the sentences

1. In many American texts allergyis called “ ihpersestinvityy ”.

2. oensitiSzatin is provoked by antigens.

3. When regarded as the cause of ylalerg, antigens are called allergens.

4. In llinicac language, any adverse immune reaction which is too intensive, or qualitatively unusual, is referred to as “hypersensitivity”.

5. In the case of autoallergy an allergic reaction is directed against nutoantigeas.

6. One of the Egyptian Pharaohs died, after being stung by a bee, with the manifestations resembling what we now call “systemic snaphylaxia ”.

7. In the beginning of the twentieth century the word “allergy” designated a geviatdin reactivity.

8. Now allergy is treated as a problem of an organism which is genetically predetermined to respond exceptionally to an antigenic hallceeng.

9. Broad manifestation of allergy can be explained by the deplorable state of antigenic and chatenip burden of a modern man.

10. In Australia in the mid-1970s the annual consumption of different food eaditivds alien to human body reached the level of about 23 kilos per capita.

11. A long time ago our ancestors were accustomed to tnigenica environment.

12. Visiting a modern supermarket a person takes a risk of direct contacting with different kinds of lergensal.

13. pNistrohenol are universally spread in the air, water and food.

7Read the conversation between an examiner and a student. Complete the student’s responses using sentences A H from below.

A But some antigens, for example, the components of ragweed or mites of worms provoke allergy in especially large masses of people.

B Secondly, it can be accounted for by the deplorable state of antigenic and haptenic burden of a modern man.

C The phenomenon was discovered in dogs after repeated injection of sea anemones’ extract.

D The manifestations of his disease resembled those we now call systemic anaphylaxis.

E Under certain conditions autoallergy is able to cause autoimmune diseases.

F Because it incurs pathological sequels.

G But nowadays 10 per cent of the population of the Earth suffer from allergic disorders.

H Each process is manifested in hyperergic inflammation.

Examiner: Now let’s talk about allergy. What do you think this term mean?

Student: Well, this term designates a group of various typical immunopathological processes. 1 ……….

Examiner: Why is the result of any intensive or unusual immune reaction referred to as sensitization?

Student: 2 ………. For practitioners the term “allergy” is applicable to excessive or poorly regulated immune response causing obvious tissue injury.

Examiner: How do you call an allergic reaction directed against autoantigens?

Student: 3 ………. If an allergic reaction is directed against autoantigens, it is called autoallergy.

Examiner: When was allergy as an experimental phenomenon originally developed? Who did it?

Student: 4 ………. Allergy as an experimental phenomenon was originally developed in 1902 by French scientists Richet and Portier during their sea trip on the Mediterranean.

Examiner: Do you know of any clinical cases of allergy described long before the aforementioned research?

Student: 5 ………. I do: one of the Egyptian Pharaohs died having been stung by a bee.

Examiner: Was allergy as widespread at the beginning of the twentieth century as it is now?

Student: No, it wasn’t. At the beginning of the twentieth century allergy was considered to be a rare anomaly of body constitution. 6 ……….

Examiner: Does allergy only result from the evil character of an allergen itself?

Student: No, it doesn’t. It is necessary to emphasize that allergy does not only result from the evil character of an allergen itself. 7 ……….

Examiner: How can such growing occurrence of allergy in the population be explained?

Student: Firstly, it can be explained by the greater number of people genetically predisposed to allergy. 8 ……….

Examiner: And…Are you allergic to anything?

Student: Well, I’m allergic to some poplar seed tufts.

8Work in pairs. Act out the dialogue from exercise 8 with your partner.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 544 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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