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Complete the sentences below. Insert no more than three words in each gap

1 Fever in adults is characterized by the limitation of ………. with the simultaneous intensification of ………..

The limitation of heat loss is carried out by the vasoconstriction of ………..

2 The decrease in skin temperature results in the ………. signalization of cold thermo receptors and shivering.

3 The spinal oscillator is responsible for the shivering reflex showing itself as simultaneous contraction of ………..

4 The first stage of the fever is ………..

5 Contractile and non-contractile thermogeneses increase from 20% to 60% due to ………. and the stimulation of the ………..

6 At stadium incrementi the activation of the hypothalamus-hypophisis- ………. takes place.

4Choose the correct answer from A, B or C.

1 Domination of carbohydrates oxidation causes the increase of the respiratory ………. up to 1.0.

A capacity

B expansion

C coefficient

2 Heat production and heat ………. are balanced at stadium fastigii.

A exhaustion

B elimination

C emission

3 Stadium decrementi results from a recourse of the set-point of temperature ………. down to normal.

A homeostasis

B drop

C indicator

4 The onset of fever in response to pyrogen injection begins after a certain ………. period.

A calm

B latent

C important

5 The latent period depends on the nature and potency of ………., and the way of injection.

A solution

B drug

C pyrogen

6 Repeated injectionsof ………. pyrogens produce tolerance.

A exogenous

B different

C endogenous

7 Hyperthermia, unlike fever, is a ………. increase of body temperature.

A constant

B temporary

C sudden

8 Hyperthermia results in dehydration, circulatory ………. and hypoxia.

A effect

B collapse

C disorders

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 649 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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