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Ex.12 Read and translate. CA: Good morning madam, welcome on board

CA: Good morning madam, welcome on board. Can I see your boarding pass, please?

Woman: Yes…here you are.

CA: 27G…Go to the next cabin and then turn right. You’ll see the seat numbers on the overhead bins. My colleague will show you where your seat is.

Woman: Thank you.

CA: Hello madam…welcome on board. Are you together? Turn right here and go to the cabin. You’ll find your seats at the front of the cabin, in the middle section. ….Hello, how are you today, sir? May I check your boarding pass?

CA: Can I help you, madam? Seat number 17D. Yes, come this way. Yours is the aisle seat just here.

Woman: An aisle seat? I specifically asked for a window seat.

CA: Did you? I’m sorry. You’ve been given an aisle seat. Did you request a window seat at check-in?

Woman: Yes….I told her I can’t fly if I can’t have a seat by the window. She assured me I have a window seat.

CA: Oh dear, I’m really sorry about this. But don’t worry, the flight isn’t full today and I’m sure I can sort out a window seat for you. Would you mind just taking this seat until I check the passenger list? It will take a couple of minutes.

Woman: Are you sure? I don’t want to stay here for the flight.

CA: Don’t worry. I’ll be back here in a moment with a better seat for you, madam.

CA1: Everything all right, Jenny?

CA2: Yes, fine. Nearly all the passengers are on board now….Hello sir, you are in row 11. Let me see, madam. Yes, this way, on the left, 8D – it’s the aisle seat.

CA1: I need a window seat for the passenger. Do you have the passenger list?

CA2: Yes, I’ve got it. Here, have a look.

CA1: Great – there’s a window seat free in 15A. Would you mind if I give it to my passenger?

CA2: No problem. You go ahead. I’ll carry on greeting the remaining passengers. …Hello, welcome on board. Are you together?

CA: Hello, madam. I’ve got a window seat for you in 15A. It’s just a couple rows in front. Would that be OK for you?

Woman: Any window seat will be fine, thank you.

CA: Do you need any help with your bags?

Woman: Oh, thank you. Could you take this for me….

CA: Follow me.

Woman: Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

CA: No problem at all. My name is Jenny. If you need anything during the flight, I’ll be happy to help you. I hope you’ll enjoy your flight.

Woman: Thank you, Jenny.

SAFA (Safety Assessment of the Foreign Aircraft, B-737-300) There are six exits on board the plane. Four exits are provided with inflatable slides. Emergency hatches are provided with escape ropes. There are six portable oxygen bottles on board. Two oxygen bottles are in the front, four bottles are in the back. We have twelve oxygen masks, two masks go to each bottle. Two oxygen masks are located near the bottles. Two fire extinguishers are in the front part, two fire extinguishers are in the rear part. There is one emergency location transmitter, two megaphones, two first aid kits, four smoke hoods(protective breathing equipment), five flash lights and three drugs kits on board. The life vest is under each seat. There is a fixed oxygen system for passengers. There are fifteen safety seat belts for infants on board. There are fifteen additional life vests for infants and 2 baby floating survival cots. There are three seat belts for stout passengers on board. There are two pairs of heat resistant gloves.


Ex.1 Study the sentences. What would you say in the following situations:

- the passengers need help to put their hand luggage in the overhead bins;

- the passengers are getting aboard;

- the old woman can’t find her seat;

- the passenger took the occupied seat;

- a young woman with a baby needs another seat;

- a young man left his hand luggage in the aisle;

- you got to know that a passenger has a birthday today;

- a passenger is angry because he has been waiting for you for 15 minutes;

- you want to ask a passenger to change his seat;

- you heard a passenger’s name, but you are not sure;

- a passenger wants to light a cigarette on board;

- a passenger is very tired and complaints that the flight is too long;

- you saw an opened tray-table before landing;

- the passenger doesn’t know how to recline the backrest;

- the passenger asks you to show him the way to the lavatory;

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 703 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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