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Passenger service unit

Above each group of seats there is a passenger service unit often having three functions. It may be necessary to show an inexperienced passenger what is it used for.

PAX: - It's very hot and stuffy here.

CA: - If you adjust this nozzle you can control the direction and amount of air conditioning.

PAX: - I can't see to read my book.

CA: - This switch button controls your individual reading light.

PAX: - How can I call you in future?

CA: - If you press this button, one of us will come to your assistance.

Ex.8 (Listening, 2.6) Listen to CA welcoming the last passenger on board.

Are the statements true or false?

1. The passenger apologizes for being late.

2. The passenger does not give a reason for being late.

3. CA criticizes him for being late.

4. He is in seat 4F.

5. The other CA checks that everyone is on board.

Ex.9 Listen again and fill in the missing words.

Sylvie: Hello, sir. Welcome on board. May I ______________ your boarding pass, please?

Passenger: Yes…____________ I’m late. I was delayed ____________ from the city to the _____________.

Sylvie: No problem. We’ve been _______________ you…4F - ______________ to the other side and turn left.

Passenger: Many thanks.

Sylvie: Jenny, _____________ _____________, everyone is on board. Can you check the doors? (on the interphone) Tom, doors check, please. Ok, prepare for the safety demo.

Jenny: Ok. Zone C cabin ____________.

Tom: Ok. Zone D and E cabin secure…

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 731 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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