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Read the text to fulfil the tasks. It is evident that measures against drug threat undertaken by state authorities will be more effective if they are supported by individuals and society

It is evident that measures against drug threat undertaken by state authorities will be more effective if they are supported by individuals and society. The question if the Russian anti-drug policy gains such an appreciation in many respects depends on how this problem is reflected in mass media. This fact is well understood in the Regional Anti-Drug Commission of the Russian Federation which on April 14, 2006 adopted a Resolution #8 “On using mass media potential in anti drug propaganda promotion”. Paragraph 4 is worth mentioning: “If we succeed putting into practice and go further, videoproduction promoting drug abuse will quit appearing on screens”.

Drug abuse prevention is one of the most important aspects of anti-drug work. The essence of prevention, especially the individual one, when it's possible to determine a young drug addict, interfere and prevent drug dependence development, may be a good material for creation by mass media proper anti-drug world view. This fact is well-understood by specialists of Information and Mass Media Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan "Tatmedia" and the info-agency "Tatar-Inform". The Authorities of the Republic approved in 2005 their “Conception of informational anti-drug prevention work accompaniment in the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Director of the the Swedish Carnegie Institute Peder Langenskiold and Head of the Department of Conflictology (SpbSU philosophical faculty) Alexander Strebkov have signed a Cooperation Agreement. It would further help combining efforts in promoting scientific research on anti-drug policy and also on educating Masters of Drug-Conflictology.

A group of 5 Russian experts had in Stockholm a week study visit in June, 2006. The experts from Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Perm represented legislative, executive power, higher school and science. They got acquainted with the experience of various organizations and agencies struggling against drugs in Sweden.

The problem of drug addicts' registration, which was discussed at the seminar can not be separated off the drug addicts' revelation problem while implementing preventive measures. The governor's decree No.27 passed on March 2, 2006 "Urgent measures on drug abuse prevention in the Perm region" proves to be the beginning of effective regional anti-drug policy formation in Russia. Since this time on medical services of the Perm region must not only give special paper to a registered drug addict, but also take tests on drug presence in the body.

Effective anti-drug management demands precise awareness of the drug situation. Except for the information about drug spread it is as well important to know about alcohol and drug spread in educational institutions. In order to do that international research named ESPAD (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs) is being organized in European schools. The project was initiated by the Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and other Drugs, or CAN and is supported by "Pompidou group" of the Council of Europe. The main aim of the ESPAD project is to gain comparative data on alcohol and drug substances consumption among young people of the European countries. The first research was organized in 1995, the second - in 1999, and the latest, 3rd one - in 2002.

"The effectiveness of the current anti-drug policy in Russia doesn't satisfy modern challenge," - this is the opinion of Yevgeny Tonkov, professor of the Belgorod State University. He believes that it is necessary to improve political and legal mechanisms of drug abuse prevention and also create theoretical scientific foundation for a constructive dialogue of state authorities, municipalities, public organizations and population.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 379 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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