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Text-study. To investigate – исследовать;

I. Learn the words.

To investigate – исследовать;

linkage – связь;

comprehension – понимание;

approach – подход;

immunity – зд. свобода;

illicit – незаконный;

urgency – безотлагательность;

to adopt – принимать;

voluntary – добровольный;

ban – запрещение;

syringe – шприц.

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What problems are the works of graduates of the Department of Conflictology devoted to?

2. Why is it important to investigate “drug image” in mass comprehension?

3. What topical issues were discussed during the Youth Summit 2006 in St Petersburg?

4. Have the participants of the Youth Summit adopted and signed the Declaration?

5. What measures were offered to prevent drug abuse among the young?

6. Why was it necessary to investigate the problem of HIV and drug abuse prevention in Russia?

III. Match the Russian word combinations on the left with the English word combinations on the right.

1)борьба против угрозы наркотиков; a) drug abuse propaganda;
2) научная работа; b) to cause considerable rise;
3) пропаганда злоупотребления наркотиками; c) research work;
4) вызвать значительный рост; d) drugthreat fight;
5) сокращение употребления наркотиков; e) drug use reduction;
6) актуальная социальная проблема; f) to promote the signature of the convention;
7) поддержать подписание конвенции. g) topical social problem.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 299 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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