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Read the text to fulfil the tasks. The Youth Summit “Forming Global Responsibility” gathered participants from over 30 countries from all over the world on April 3-9

The Youth Summit “Forming Global Responsibility” gathered participants from over 30 countries from all over the world on April 3-9, 2006. There were 8 round-tables on most topical issues including HIV and drug abuse preventionamong the young. Participants of the Youth Summit have adopted and signed the Declaration.
The Declaration stated for the problem of HIV and drug abuse prevention: "Taking into consideration the fact that drug addiction turned into one of the most topical social problems in today's world and absence of proper understanding of the danger of this phenomenon which poses real threat, we offer the following measures:

· Promote the signature of the UN Convention on smoking restriction;

· develop the existing methods of drug situation monitoring;

· study international experience of assessing the scale of drug abuse situation;

· unite efforts of youth voluntary and patriotic organizations on solving the problem;

· provide support of youth non-commercial organisations helping voluntary movements create the set of values and popularise healthy way of life;

· initiate licensing non-governmental rehabilitation centers;

· initiate participation of experts in narcology in the medical commissions on regular preventive inspections of school-children in educational institutions;

· introduce a system approach in social publicity creation;

· keep the ban on harm reduction programmes (e.g. the methadone programme, syringes and needles exchange);

· provide treatment and rehabilitation aid to HIV-positive and drug addicts;

· create and introduce positive image of “non-taking drugs” as the principal measure of HIV and drug abuse prevention among the young people.

Graduates of the Department of Conflictology (St.Petersburg State University, philosophical faculty) are starting to defend their research works devoted to the problems of anti-drug policy and various aspects of drug conflict analysis. The research works appeared to be rather interesting, as the authors investigate the linkage among the drug reality reflected in theoretical terms, state anti-drug policy and the "drug image" in mass comprehension of the young. Such approach made it possible to find the following alarming results:

Russia turned into drug user in late 90's, and drug market became one of the most profitable types of criminal activity. Drug abuse growth in the society caused considerable rise of drug criminality in general. So the role of the State and its specialized agencies grows viewing the necessity of drug production, trafficking and drug use reduction.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 380 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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