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artificial – natural deny – recognize, agree forget – mind, remember guilt – innocence reluctant – willing systematic – unsystematic special – general success – failure theory – practice total – local to tell the truth – to lie

Ex. 14. Выразите своё согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями, используя True/False.

  Interrogation is a source of indirect information for the investigator. There is no distinction between an interrogation and an interview. Interrogation is asking questions, i.e. questioning. Interrogation substitutes for investigation completely. The object of interrogation is to discover the truth and to recover the stolen property. The success of any interrogation depends on some specialized aptitudes of the investigator. A special list of "do's" and "don't's" is quite indispensable for the successful practice of interrogation. Every good investigator recognizes certain general rules of interrogation. The subject of interrogation always gives information willingly. Most of the interrogators intimidate the subjects of interrogation to obtain information. An interrogator likes to persuade the subject to give relevant information. Many interrogators use such technology as a lie-detector and hypnosis. T F

Ex. 15. Закончите следующие предложения, опираясь на содержание текста "Interrogation".


– is a source of...... in.............

– is a systematic... of a....

– is a part.......

– differs from....

– involves questioning and....

– concerns the legal..........

– refers to special police..........

– does not substitute for.......

– is to discover the... and prepare................

– depends on highly-qualified....

– requires some general rules of....

– requires proper attitude to.............

– may have different....

– begins with questions about....

Ex. 16. Составьте краткую аннотацию текста "Interrogation", используя план и некоторые фразы клише (см. Unit VIII, с. 21-22):


1. The essence of interrogation, its place in the system of criminal justice and police work. Interrogation and interview.

2. Interrogation and investigation. The object of interrogation.

3. The attributes of a good interrogator.

4. Methods of interrogation.

5. Subjects of interrogation.

6. The attitude of the investigator to the subject of interrogation as the key to the solution of a case.

7. Initial questions of an interrogator during interrogation.

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