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Lesson 9. Medical Education in the UK

I. Прочитайте следующие слова, запомните их произношение и значение.

admission [ǝdʹmiʃǝn] n. – приём

amount [ǝʹmαunt] n. – количество

applicant [ʹæplikǝnt] n. – абитуриент

assistance [ǝʹsistǝns] n. – помощь, содействие

be aware [ǝʹwɛǝ] – понимать, созновать

bachelor [ʹbætʃǝlǝ] – бакалавр

continuing [kǝnʹtinjuiŋ] education – непрерывное образование

curriculum [kǝʹriikjᴜlǝm] n. – учебный план школы, института, университета

deckease n. [ʹdi:kri:s] – уменьшение

v. [di:ʹkri:s] – уменьшать

increase n. [ʹinkri:s] – увеличение

v. [inʹkri:s] – увеличивать

knowledge [ʹnɔlidʒ] n. – знание/-я

number [ʹnᴧmbǝ] – количество, число

postgraduate [ʹpǝᴜstʹgrædjuit] education – последипломное образование

produce [prɔdjᴜ:s] – зд. готовить (специалистов)

provide [prǝʹvαid] – предоставлять

require [riʹkwαiǝ] v. – требовать

requirement [riʹkwαiǝrmǝnt] n. – требование

skills [skilz] n. – умения

specialty [speʃǝlti] n. – специальность

undergraduate [ᴧndǝʹgrædjuit] n. – студент

undergraduate education – высшее образование

up-to-date [ᴧptǝʹdeit] a. – новейший, соответствующий современным требованиям

II. Внимательно прочитайте текст, состоящий из шести частей. Из данных после текста утверждений (A–F) подберите к каждой части такое утверждение, которое передает ее содержание.

A. Требования к приему в ВУЗы в Великобритании.

B. Учеба студентов младших курсов.

C. Непрерывное образование врачей.

D. Учеба студентов старших курсов.

E. Задачи и содержание медицинского образования в Великобритании.

F. Последипломное образование

Medical Education in the UK

  1. _____

Medical education in all countries of the world generally is directed towards providing persons who want to become physicians with knowledge and skills required for the prevention and treatment of disease and producing physicians sensitive to the health needs of their country and aware of the necessity of continuing their own education.

Medical education in UK is provided in medical schools and universities. Medical education is subdivided into four stages: premedical education and admission to medical schools and universities; undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education.

  1. _____

Most school children in Britain finish secondary school at the age of 16 and get General Certificate of Secondary Education. They can leave school. Those who want to enter university choose to stay on it school for two/three years to pass A-level (Advanced level) exams. Good A-level results in physics, chemistry and biology will give the applicants a chance to be admitted to the university.

Entry into medical school or university is highly competitive, especially in the more prestigious universities. Requirements to enter university vary from university to university. Some universities require the applicant to take the Medical Collidge Admission Test, other requirements may include letters of recommendation and a personal interview.

All students pay tuition. But some of them receive financial assistance in the form of grants which cover their expenses wholly or in part.

  1. _____

In Britain the academic year is divided into three terms. Students have lectures, seminars and practical classes, do dissections and work in labs throughout the full academic year.

The medical curriculum is five years and consists of two years of the preclinical curriculum and three years of clinical curriculum.

The preclinical phase usually begins with the study of the structure of the body and its formation (anatomy, histology and embryology) and the function of the body. After the microscopic study of normal tissues (histology) has begun, the student is usually introduced to pathological anatomy, bacteriology, immunology, parasitology – that is, to the agents of disease and the changes that they cause in the structure and function of the tissues. Courses in biostatistics, public health, emergency medicine, ethical problems are common in the first years of the medical curriculum. As a rule Latin is not taught at universities and medical schools.

  1. _____

The clinical years are characterized by a decrease in number of formal lectures, and increase in the amount of contact with patients in teaching hospitals (provide general clinical training to medical students). The students work in the hospital’s outpatients, emergency, and radiology departments, diagnostic laboratories and surgical theatres under the supervision of experienced clinicians. The students also study sciences, such as pathology, microbiology, hematology, immunology, epidemiology and the methods of community medicine. Some knowledge of forensic medicine is also required. The clinical course consists of the major clinical specialties including obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, disorders of the eye, ear, nose, throat and skin, and psychiatry and surgery.

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After satisfactory completion of undergraduate studies and passing the final exams the academic degree of bachelor of medicine and of surgery (or chirurgery) M.B., B.S. (or M.B. CHb) is awarded to physicians. This is the first degree for UK doctors.

In Britain a year of graduate training and work in a hospital under the supervision of competent clinicians (known as an internship in the USA but residency in the UK) is required. After the first year physicians usually take postgraduate education and training to qualify themselves as specialists and fulfill requirements for a higher academic degree M.D., D.M. or Doctor of Medicine.

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The process by which physicians keep themselves up-to-date is called continuing education. Physicians attend medical and scientific meetings, seminars, national and international conferences, read medical journals and other materials all of which serve to keep then aware of progress in their chosen field throughout their working lives.

Vocabulary notes

III. Найдите и прочитайте ту часть текста, в которой говорится о:

  1. курсе обучения в медицинском ВУЗе в Великобритании,
  2. правилах приема в медицинские ВУЗы и университеты,
  3. задачах медицинского образования,
  4. длительности доклинического курса обучения,
  5. длительности клинического курса обучения,
  6. доклинических предметах, изучаемых студентами,
  7. клинических предметах,
  8. занятиях студентов доклинического курса,
  9. практических занятиях студентов клинического курса,
  10. количестве семестров в учебном году,
  11. первой квалификации,
  12. задачах последипломного обучения,
  13. учебе и работе в первый год после окончания ВУЗа,
  14. стадиях получения высшего образования в Великобритании,
  15. целях непрерывного образования врачей.

IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, используя слова и словосочетания из текста.

  1. What is medical education generally directed towards in all countries of the world?
  2. Where is it possible t get higher medical education in the UK?
  3. What stages is medical education in the UK subdivided into?
  4. What examinations do schoolchildren in the UK pass to be admitted to medical school or university?
  5. What do the requirements to enter the university include?
  6. Do students pay tuition?
  7. What is a grant?
  8. How many terms does the academic year consist of?
  9. How long is the course of undergraduate studies?
  10. How long is the preclinical curriculum?
  11. What preclinical subjects do the students study?
  12. What is the clinical course characterized by?
  13. What clinical subjects do undergraduate students study?
  14. Do they study forensic medicine?
  15. Is Latin taught in all universities?
  16. Where do the students work?
  17. What degree are the students awarded after passing the final exams?
  18. What is the first degree for UK doctors?
  19. What do the newly graduated doctors do?
  20. What do they do after the first year of training and work?
  21. What is called continuing education?

V. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами и словосочетаниями из текста.

  1. __________ are required to be admitted to medical school or university.
  2. Other requirements may include __________.
  3. The academic year is divided into __________.
  4. The medical curriculum is __________.
  5. The medical curriculum includes __________ and __________.
  6. Students have lectures, __________, __________, __________, __________ throughout the full academic year.
  7. During the clinical curriculum the students have a __________ in number of formal lectures and an __________ in the amount of __________.
  8. Some knowledge of __________ is also required.
  9. After graduation from the university the physicians __________ the academic degree of M.B. and B.S.
  10. After two or three years of postgraduate studies physicians __________ as specialists in the chosen field of medicine.
  11. Physicians continue their own education to be aware (чтобы …) of __________ in their chosen field throughout their working life.

VI. Выберите правильную грамматическую форму.

1. Good A-level results __________ to be admitted to the university.

1. the necessity

2. are necessary

3. is necessary

2. All students __________ tuition.

1. are paid

2. pay

3. pays

3. Some students __________ financial assistance in the form of a grant.

1. gets

2. get

3. are received

4. In the UK the medical curriculum __________ the preclinical curriculum and clinical curriculum or phase.

1. include

2. consists of

3. are subdivided into

5. Continuing education __________ to keep physicians aware of progress in their chosen field of medicine throughout their working lives.

1. serves

2. serve

3. has served

VII. Используя данные ниже слова и словосочетания расскажите:

  1. о поступлении в медицинские ВУЗы Великобритании: applicants, good A-level results, according to, stay on, at the age of 16, to become a doctor, for 2 or 3 years to be admitted.
  2. о требованиях к поступлению в медицинские ВУЗы: a personal interview, requirements, entry, require, the applicant, to take the State Registered Test, letters of a recommendation, include.
  3. о курсе обучения: the course of training, the academic year, 3 terms, is subdivided, the clinical curriculum, the preclinical curriculum, in teaching hospitals, lectures, do dissections, consists of, practical classes.
  4. о первом годе последипломного образования: after graduation from, is/are awarded, a newly graduated doctor/physician, is required, a year of graduate training and work, is called residency.
  5. о последипломном образовании: 2 or 3 years of resident hospital work, M.D., D.M..; after the 1st academic degree, is awarded, are qualified as specialists, are required, Doctor of Medicine.
  6. о, так называемом, непрерывном образовании: attend scientific meetings, to keep themselves up-to-date, national and international conferences, to be aware of progress, read medical journals, in their chosen field of medicine, throughout their working lives.

VIII. Расскажите по-английски о медицинском образовании в вашей стране.


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