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Dialogue 5

D. What drugs does this child take?

N. He takes supraxin, one tablet six times each twenty-four hours.

D. Does the child receive tonics?

N. Yes, doctor, during the whole week.

D. Stop giving him diphenylhydromine hydrochloride (димедрол). Cancel dioxine (диоксин). Continue PASK. Continue the same prescription.

XV. Переведите на русский язык следующие истории болезни, при необходимости пользуясь словарем.

1) Case one

A man, aged 44, fell ill. He returned home from his work on the day previous to the onset of his illness and felt a bad headache and chillness.

The physician who examined the man in the afternoon found the symptoms of influenza. The man complained of pains in the head, back, eyes, limbs and joints.

He had a fever, which ranged from 38,5° to 39,7°C.

He was hoarse and had a harsh cough. He often sneezed. The mucous membrane of the nose and throat was red. The examination of the urine showed nothing abnormal. The sick man kept his bed for several days and regularly took the medicine. In several days the fever fell to normal. The pains in the limbs and joints disappeared but a marked hoarseness remained for several days. In two weeks the man was well again.

2) Case two.

A young man, aged 24, fell ill with the flu. The illness began with a chill, and during five days he had a bad headache.

On the sixth day the doctor sent him to the hospital. To the doctor who examined him there he complained of prostration and pains in the limbs and in the right chest.

His temperature was 39,2°C, pulse 126 and respiratory rate 32 per minute. BP (blood pressure) was 120/70 mm Hg. The doctor diagnosed pneumonia as a complication after the influenza. The urine was normal. Laboratory analysis revealed pneumococci in the sputum. Hemoglobin content was normal. Blood count showed leucocytosis (12,000 leucocytes per cubic millimeter). Blood culture remained sterile.

The doctor prescribed sulfa drugs, which the patient took during a week. By the end of the week he felt and looked well. His temperature fell to normal, he slept well and his appetite was good. He did not complain of discomfort and made a complete recovery. Soon he left the hospital and went to the sanatorium.

3) Case three.

A man, aged 52, developed a mild upper respiratory infection one week previous to admission. Two days before he had chills, fever, and marked prostration. He coughed but did not complain of chest pain.

The man’s temperature was 39,3°C, pulse 126 and respiratory rate 36 per minute; BP 140/90 mm Hg.

He had bronchial breathing over the right lateral chest.

The urine was normal. Hemoglobin content was 85% and leukocyte count 20.000. Laboratory analysis revealed type I pneumococci in the sputum. An X-ray film of the chest showed a large area of density in the right upper field of the lung.

The patient received an initial oral dose of 2 g of sulfadiazine, and then 1 g every four hours. The treatment lasted 11 days. On the seventh day of the therapy the patient felt and looked much better. The bronchial breathing disappeared.

In twelve days the temperature fell to normal; leukocyte count lowered to 7.200. Pulse was 80 and respiratory rate 20 per minute. Soon the patient made a complete recovery without any complications.

XVI. Напишите историю болезни больного, используя в качестве образца истории болезни, приведенные в упражнении XV:

а) страдающего ангиной

б) ОРЗ

в) гриппом

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 2833 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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