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Exercise 14. Open the brackets using the verbs in the appropriate form. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian

In 1941, a doctor, Charles Fletcher, at a hospital in Oxford (to hear) of Howard Florey and Ernst Chain's work. He (to have) a patient who (to be) near to death as a result of bacteria getting into a wound. Fletcher (to use) some of Chain’s and Florey’s penicillin on the patient and the wound (to make) a spectacular recovery. Unfortunately, Fletcher did not have enough penicillin to fully rid the patient’s body of bacteria and he (to die) a few weeks later as the bacteria took a hold. However, penicillin (to show) what it could do. The only reason the patient did not survive was because they did not have enough of the drug - not that it did not work.

Florey (to get) an American drugs company to mass produce it and by June 6th 1944, enough (to be available) to treat all the bacterial infections that broke out among the troops. Penicillin got nicknamed "the wonder drug".

Завдання для самостійної роботи

студентів (СРС)

  I. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: 7. дослідницька робота 8. відкривати антибактеріальні речовини 9. цвіль, що росте на бактерії 10. випробувати експеримент 11. вбивати шкідливі бактерії 12. проводити експерименти 13. заражати бактерії 14. токсичні або шкідливі речовини 15. живі організми 16. фермент в тканинах тварин   II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 28) What was Alexander Fleming? 29) What is Alexander Fleming famous for? 30) How did he develop penicillin? 31) What did Fleming he determine by means of his experiments? 32) What marked the beginning of penicillin treatment?   III. Поясніть наступний термін у 5ти реченнях: penicillin
Anatomy of the Heart Анатомія серця

Text: Anatomy of the Heart

Grammar: The Comparative and Superlative Degree of the Adjectives

Pre-text assignments

Exercise 1. Learn the new words:

1. Continuously [ ] безперервно
2. rhythmically [‘rıðmıkƏlı], ритмічно
3. nutrient [ ] поживна речовина
4. surface [ ] поверхня
5. endocardium [‘endəu’ka:dıəm] ендокард
6. membranous [ ] мембранний
7. pericardium [ ] перикард
8. septum [ ] перетинка
9. ventricle [ ]. шлуночок
10. atrium [ ] передсердя
11. deoxygenated [dioksidzi’neitid] позбавлений кисню
12. to contract [kən’trækt] скорочуватись
13. sinoatrial [sinoa´treal] синусно-передсердний
14. costal cartilages [kos′təl] реберний хрящ

Exercise 2. Read and translate the word combinations into your native language:

Muscular pump in the centre of the chest; to contract rhythmically; to send blood to the lungs; to consist of two atria and two ventricles; to be enclosed in a tough, membranous bag; a thick central muscular wall; to receive deoxygenated blood; via 2 large veins; to lose carbon dioxide; to be transferred to the left ventricle; via the pulmonary vein; one-way valves; to contract more forcibly; greater muscular bulk

Exercise 3. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the Adjectives:

1. The resistance to blood flow through the general circulation is much greater than resistance through the lungs.

2. The left side of the heart must contract more forcibly than the right so it has greater muscular bulk.

3. If she changes her job to a less stressful one, she won’t complain of her heart so often.

4. The right atrium of the heart is larger than the left one.

5. The walls of the left atrium are thicker than those of the right one.

6. The left ventricle is longer than the right ventricle.

7. The left ventricle is more conical in form than the right one.

8. The smallest veins in the body are called venules.

9. The venules branch into larger veins which eventually carry the blood to the largest veins in the body, the vena cava.

10. The liver is the largest gland and the largest internal organ in the human body.

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