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Exercise 6. Translate the word combinations and use them in the following sentences

Бактеріофаг, мозаїчна хвороба табака, існування вірусу, ізолювати, клітина-господар, гістологічні зрізи, ДНК-вірус, розмноження вірусу, РНК-вірус, віруси тварин, грибковий вірус.

1. Some viruses (e.g., adenovirus) are difficult to … and may require specific human cell lines for isolation.

2.Adolf Eduard Mayer was a German agricultural chemist whose work on … played an important role in the discovery of tobacco mosaic virus and viruses in general.

3. Once the virus attaches to the … and the viral genome is inserted into this cell, the viral infection has been initiated.

4. The disintegration or destruction of cells is the final step in a … cycle in which the virus particles burst through the host cell membrane, rupturing the cell.

5. … is a virus whose nucleic acid core is composed of DNA, such as any adenoviruses, herpesviruses, or poxviruses.

6. An … is a virus that has ribonucleic acid as its genetic material.

7. The study of is important from a veterinary viewpoint and many of these viruses cause diseases that are economically devastating.

7. …. are found in most species of fungi, where they usually multiply without apparent harm to the host.

8. … is a virus that is reproduces itself in bacteria.

9. … that pass through bacterial filters was first demonstrated in 1892 by D. I. Ivanovskii, who discovered the filterability of the causative agent of tobacco mosaic disease.

10. … is a thin slice, as of tissue, suitable for microscopic examination.

Exercise 7. Make questions to the underlined words.

1. The existence of viruses that infect bacteria (bacteriophages) was first recognized by Frederick Twort in 1911.

2. Viruses can be classified according to the host cell they infect.

3. In addition virologists also study ''subviral particles'': viroids, satellites and prions.

4. As bacteria could be grown easily in culture, this led to an explosion of virology research.

5. In 1892 Dimitri Ivanovski showed that there could exist the organisms smaller than the smallest known bacteria.

6. In 1892 Dimitri Ivanovski showed that there could exist the organisms smaller than the smallest known bacteria.

7. Now virology is the branch of medicine studying viruses and virus -like agents.


Modal Verbs and their Equivalents

Present Future Past
I can solve this problem. I am able to solve this problem.- Я можу/в змозі вирішити цю проблему I will be able to solve this problem tomorrow.- Я зможу вирішити цю проблему завтра. I could solve this problem. I was able to solve this problem.- Я зміг вирішити цю проблему.
Present Future Past
He must solve this problem.He has to solve this problem.- Він повинен/йому доводиться вирішувати цю проблему. He will have to solvethis problem tomorrow. – Йому доведеться вирішувати цю проблему завтра. He had to solve the problem. –Йому довелося вирішувати цю проблему.
Present Future Past
He may solve this problem himself. –Він може вирішувати цю проблему самостійно. He will be allowed to solve this problem himself.- Він зможе(йому дозволять) вирішити цю проблему самостійно. He might solve this problem himself. He was allowed to solve this problem himself.- Він міг (йому дозволили) вирішувати цю проблему самостійно.

Exercise 8. Put the following sentences in the Future Tense:

1. The students can do this work.

2. The scientists can prove their investigations.

3. The patient can walk.

4. The patient may walk.

5. The students may carry out such experiments without the professor’s control.

6. The nurse can relieve the pain by giving the injection.

7. You must determine the origin of the disease for its successful treatment.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 647 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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