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Exercise 9. Put the predicate into Past

1. We must use this new device to have better results.

2. The infant must move as much as possible for the proper development of the body.

3. The patient cannot give the exact answer about the character of his pain.

4. In this patient the proper functions of the heart can be impaired due to the prolonged excessive exercises.

5. The 1st year students may not be present at operations.

6. During intellectual work one must give rest to the organism every hour or half an hour.

7. His constant tiredness may impair his heart.

Exercise 10. Use may, must or can in the proper tense form to fill in the gaps.

1.When Dmitriy Ivanovskiy was investigating the tobacco mosaic disease he … come to the conclusion that this disease occurred due to a microscopic agent, many times smaller than bacteria.

2. Virus is a minute infectious agent which, with certain exceptions, lacks independent metabolism and … to replicate only within a living host cell.

3. Ivanovskiy was the first scientist who … to establish the new branch of microbiology – virology.

4. To prove this phenomenon he … to make many experiments on plants.

5. The patient … to go home only after all necessary analyses have been made.

6. The rules of working in the laboratory were extremely strict, so the students … to work there without being properly instructed.

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

І. Translate into English: 1. інфікувати клітини 2. клітина-господар 3. гістологічні зрізи 4. реплікація (відтворення) вірусу 5. частота мутацій 6. грибковий вірус 7. мозаїчна хвороба табака 8. техніки висівання вірусу 9. грибкові віруси 10. розмноження вірусу   ІІ. Answer the questions: 1. How can viruses be classified according to the host cell they infect? 2. What does modern virology study about viruses? 3. Who made a great contribution into the discovery of viruses? 4. What is the most widely used classification of viruses? 5. What types of viruses are distinguished? ІІІ. Explain the term: Вірус Вірусологія Д. Івановський  
Alexander Fleming Александер Флемінг

Text: Alexander Fleming

Grammar: Continuous Active Tenses


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 749 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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