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Pre-text assignments

Exercise 1. Learn the following new words:

  to administer [əd'ministə] назначати; давати (ліки)
  to call in [ˈkɔ:l ˈin] викликати (лікаря)
  chart [tʃa:t] таблиця, графік, карта
  to complain (of) [kəm'plein] скаржитися на
  complaint (of) [kəm'pleint] скарга
  to consult [kən'sʌlt] звертатися (до лікаря)
  diagnosis [ˏdaig'nousis] діагноз
  ENT-doctor (ear-nose-throat-doctor) [ˈi:ˈenˈti: ˈdɔktə] ЛОР-лікар
  to fill in [ˈfil ˈin] заповнювати, вписувати
  physician [fi'ziʃn] лікар, терапевт
  polyclinic [ˏpoli'klinik] поліклініка
  reception [ri'sepʃ(ə)n] прийом, отримання
  regimen [ˈreiʤimin] режим
  sick-leave [ˈsik ˈli:v] лікарняний листок
  urine ['juərin] сеча
  urinalysis [juəri'nælisis] аналіз сечі

Exercise 2. Read the following paying attention to the rules of reading:

-ea- [i:]: sick-l ea ve, tr ea tment, w ea k, sp ea k, h ea t;

-ea- [e]: hea d, brea d, dea d, dea th, hea lth;

-cian [ʃ(ə)n]: physi cian, obstetri cian, pediatri cian, phthisiatri cian, musi cian;

-tion [ʃ(ə)n]: examina tion, administra tion, medica tion, combina tion, injec tion;

-sis (sing.) [sis] ––˃ -ses (pl.) [siz]: analy sis – analy ses, diagno sis – diagno ses, cri sis – cri ses, synthe sis – synthe ses, the sis – the ses.

Exercise 3. Form different parts of speech. Translate the pair of received words into Ukrainian. Make up your own sentences with them:

a) form adjectives from nouns with the help of the suffix –y: word, sleep, health, air, ease;

b) form adverbs from nouns with the help of the suffix –(i)ly: day, clear, deep, main, successful, necessary;

c) form nouns from nouns with the help of the suffix –ist: neurology, gynaecology, physiology, anatomy, dermatology.

Exercise 4. Read the following word-combinations and translate them. Make up sentences of your own:

to consult: to consult a neurologist, to consult an ENT-doctor, to consult the patients, a consulting doctor, consulting hours;

to make: to make a correct diagnosis, to make a procedure, to make a blood test, to make an experiment, to make an exception;

to complain: to complain of poor health, to complain of headache, to complain of problems, patient’s complaints, complaint of bad care;

to administer: to administer treatment, to administer certain drugs, to administer pain-killers, administration of injections, doctor’s administrations;

analysis: blood analysis, urinalysis, feces analysis, laboratory analyses, biochemical analyses.

Exercise 5. Join the words from two columns so as to make up word-combinations. Translate them:

1. consulting a) chart
2. to be on b) institution
3. temperature c) patients
4. medical d) diagnosis
5. a definite number of e) card
6. a patient’s f) room
7. correct g) a sick-leave
8. proper h) regimen
9. bed i) an injection
10. to give j) treatment

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 506 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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