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Post-text assignments. Exercise 7. Make up 5 different types of questions to the text

Exercise 7. Make up 5 different types of questions to the text.

Exercise 8. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations in the text

every year, to guarantee, aim, to be called, method, understanding, demand

Exercise 9. Translate into English

8) До стоматологічних шкіл США щорічно вступає 4500 студентів.В стоматологические школы США ежегодно поступает более 4500 студентов.

9) Головна увага на останніх двох курсах зосереджена на практичному навчанні майбутніх стоматологів.

10) Студенти застосовують на практиці основні принципи та методи діагностики та лікування захворювань порожнини рота.

11) Більшість стоматологічних шкіл віддають перевагу тим абітурієнтам, які отримали ступінь бакалавра.

12) Однією з цілей співбесіди є визначення мотивації абітурієнта.

Exercise 10. Prepare an oral report “Dental education in the USA”

*** It’s interesting to know (comparative focus)

Ukrainian equivalent British English American English

Семестр term semester

Осінній (семестр) autumn (term) fall (semester)

Основний предмет chief/special subject major subject

Першокурсник first year student/ freshman


Аспірант postgraduate student graduate student

Гуртожиток hostel dormitory or dorm

Перерва break recess


1. To earn the doctor of dental surgery degree one must study …at the dental school.

a) 4 years b) 5 years c) 3 years d) 6 years e) 7 years

2. During the final two years of dental school students...

a) study dental oriented biological sciences b) improve reading comprehension

c) study oral anatomy and oral histology d) have clinical study

e) determine their knowledge in dental profession

3. … is not required for admission to the dental school.

A) pre-dental education b) bachelor’s degree c) Dental Admission Test

d) letters of recommendation e) personal interview

4. The purpose of the interview is …

a) to examine perceptual ability b) to get results from the Dental Admission Test

c) to take letters of evaluation d) to get the first professional degree

e) to determine the applicants knowledge of dental profession, motivation, and maturity

5. Doctor of dental medicine is …

a) the first professional degree in dentistry b) required for admission to dental school

c) earned after a minimum of two years of undergraduate education

d)The only professional degree in dentistry e) the focus of the first two years of study

6. The most dental schools give preference to applicants who …

a)studied basic sciences b) concentrated on clinical study

c) earned a bachelor’s degree d) had a minimum of two years of undergraduate education e) studied human anatomy

7. Dental education in the USA is provided … the dental schools.

a) in b) at c) by d) with e) on

8. Admission requirements … dental school include.

a) to b) in c) by d) for e) into

9. Students also … instructions about basic sciences.

a) receive b) receives c) is received d) are received e) is receiving

10. Clinical training … to provide competence in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of oral diseases.

a) designing b) design c) is designed d) are designed e) designs

Підготовка до диференційованого заліку. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: Отримати ступінь бакалавра Терапевтична стоматологія Втупити до стоматологічного факультету Листи з рекомендаціями Віддавати перевагу   Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: What is dental education in the USA provided by? What basic sciences do american dental students learn? What do the admission requirements for the dental school include?   Поясніть наступні терміни у 5ти реченнях: Clinical training Bachelor


Text: Odessa National Medical University

Grammar: There + to be


Exercise 1. Read and memorize:

1. European [,jʊərə`piən] європейський
2. academician [ə,kæ də`miʃn] академік
3. available [ə`veiləbl]  
4. specialty [`spɛʃəlti] спеціальність
5. specialization [,speʃəlai`zeiʃ(ə)n] спеціалізація
6. scientist [`saiəntist], вчений
7. dean [ diːn ] декан
8. prominent [ˈprɒmɪnənt] видатний
9. to master [tə ˈmɑːstə ] оволодівати
10. to be founded [tə bi ˈfaʊndɪd ] бути заснованим
11. independent [ˌɪndɪˈpendənt ] незалежний

Exercise 2. Translate the following words without dictionary:

surgeon, surgical, surgery, physics, physical, physicist, scientist, science, scientific, education, educational, academy, academician, academic, institution, institute, institutional, medical, medicine, medic, student, studies, special, specialty, specialist, specialization, practical, practice, practitioner.

Exercise 3. Find the words with the following meanings:

7) the physics of biological processes and the application of methods used in physics to biology;

8) a place where live animals are kept under natural conditions for study, research, etc.;

9) the process of bringing a person, etc., to an agreed standard of proficiency, etc., by practice and instruction;

10) the position of being an intern or the period during which a person is an intern;

11) the treatment of physical disabilities by massage, electrotherapy, or exercises.

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