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AWhen Pacific 82 requested a return for landing, the fire was starting / slowly burning / uncontrollable / out

BWhen the pilot of Pacific 82 refers to a ‘problem … which we are unable to resolve’ he means they cannot identify the problem / understand the problem / fix the problem / see the problem.

CThe Centre controller wanted Pacific 82 to report after leaving the holding pattern / when about to leave the holding pattern / when entering the holding pattern / while maintaining the holding pattern.

² EXERCISE 10 Listen to the Tower respond to a request for a visual inspection and complete the sentences.

a Qantas 10, landing gear appears ________.
b Qantas 10, ________ wheel does not appear ________.
c Qantas 10, ________ wheel does not appear ________.
d Qantas 10, ________ wheel appears ________.
e Qantas 10, all of your wheels appear ________.
f Qantas 10, gear does not appear to have fully ________.
g Qantas 10, nose wheel only appears ________.

² EXERCISE 11 Listen to an aircraft on approach and choose the best answer to complete sentences a and b.

a Ibisair 77’s problem was that:
  i. the left main gear was jammed. ii. the left main gear was not locked down. iii. the right main gear would not retract. iv. the right main gear would not extend.
b The controller asked the pilot to:
  i. climb before flying past the tower. ii. climb after flying past the tower. iii. Maintain the same altitude. iv. climb as it went past the tower.



Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 314 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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