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V. Look through the text again and match the description 1-8 to the correct section in the text. Underline the information in the text that gives you the answer

a. This person thinks they know everything. – eldest child

b. This person sometimes has difficulty concentrating.

c. This person is bad at making decisions.

d. This is probably the best person in the family to go to with a problem.

e. This person is happy to take control of situations.

f. This person often helps to solve problems between members of the family.

g. This person grows up quickly.

h. This person is probably the most fun to be with.

VI. Match the sentence beginnings 1-6 with the endings a-f:

1. Dominant people

2. Sociable people

3. Shy people

4. Argumentative people

5. Popular people

6. Sensitive people

a) are not confident.

b) often disagree with others.

c) are well liked by others.

d) may cry more easily than others.

e) like the company of other people.

f) tell others what to do.

VII. Complete the text with words which describe appearance or personality:

These are my classmates. The one with 1 f reckles and 2l_ _ _ _brown hair is Jessica. She’s got a very strong 3p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and she can be quite 4d _ _ _ _ _ _ _: she likes telling people what to do. The big guy’s Dave. He’s 190 cm 5t _ _ _. He’s very 6s _ _ _ _ _ _ _: he loves hanging out with friends more than anything in the world. I don’t like Chloe very much; she can be quite 7a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sometimes and it’s difficult to do things together with her. Alex is a quiet, 8s _ _ boy who doesn’t talk much. He’s also quite 9s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _; for example, he always notices when someone is unhappy.

VIII. Do the following quiz ‘What kind of person are you?!’ Answer the following questions ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. And then ask your partner to do the quiz about you. Look at your ideas and your partner’s ideas about you. Are they the same?

1. Are you usually smiling and happy?

2. Do you enjoy the company of other people?

3. Do you find it difficult to meet new people?

4. Is it important to you to succeed in your career?

5. Does your mood often and suddenly change for no reason?

6. Do you notice other people's feelings?

7. Do you think the future will be good?

8. Can your friends depend on you?

9. Is your room often in a mess?

10. Do you get annoyed if you have to wait for anyone or anything?

11. Do you put off until tomorrow what you could do today?

12. Do you work hard?

13. Do you keep your feelings and ideas to yourself?

14. Do you often give presents?

15. Do you talk a lot?

16. Are you usually calm and not worried by things?

IX. Match these adjectives with the questions in the quiz. Which are positive and which are negative qualities? Which could be both?

  untidy   lazy
  optimistic   generous
  sociable   moody
  talkative   hard-working
  reserved   easy-going
  shy   reliable
  impatient   cheerful
  ambitious   sensitive

X. Make antonyms to the following adjectives:

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 772 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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