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1. Я радий, що працюю разом з таким викладачем. 2. Вона щаслива, що вчилась у цьому інституті. 3. Мені незручно, що я турбую вас. 4. Він буде радий поїхати туди. 5. Я радий, що мене запросили на цю вечірку. 6. Радий познайомитись з вами. 7. Вона першою розповіла мені про це. 8. Хто першим складав екзамени з англійської? 9. Хто хоче відповідати другим? 10. Він єдиний, хто виконав цю роботу правильно. 11. Ми взяли таксі, щоб прибути до аеропорту вчасно. 12. Вони приїхали до Києва для участі у спортивних змаганнях. 13. Завтра ми підемо до книгарні купувати повне зібрання Шекспіра. 14. Щоб вивчити іноземну мову, ви повинні якомога більше нею спілкуватись.

6. Use the information in the table and change the sentences using the objective infinitive complex.

Active verb object infinitive
see watch hear want / to regard / to think / to (someone / something) (bare / full infinitive)

1. We watched the dockers as they unloaded the ship. 2. Mother saw him as he climbed over the fence. 3. Nobody noticed her as she went away. 4. They expect that their football team will win the game. 5. He expects that he will be helped with this work. 6. I think that he is a good teacher. 7. I suppose that he is about forty. 8. I believe that they are at home now. 9. I know that she is very modest.

7. Use the information in the table and change the sentences using the subjective infinitive complex.

Subject passive verb infinitive
(someone / something) to be said to be reported to be considered (full infinitive)

1. It is said that the elevator is out of order. 2. It is believed that she speaks several foreign languages. 3. It is supposed that he understands Spanish. 4. It is reported that the president has met with his Russian colleague. 5. It is reported that the delegation arrived in Paris on the 10th of September. 6. It is said that she has been teaching mathematics for thirty years. 7. It is reported that our spaceship has reached the moon. 8. It is said that Kate is preparing for her entrance exams. 9. It is expected that the film will be shown in May. 10. It is supposed that the book will be published in May. 11. It was supposed that the weather would be fine in April. 12. Itis supposed that he is composing a new symphony. 13. It seems that I have a cold.

8. Use the information in the table and rephrase the following using the prepositional infinitive complex.

Preposition object infinitive
for (someone) (full infinitive)

1. The stone was too heavy. I couldn’t lift it. 2. The text is too difficult. The students can’t translate it. 3. The car is too expensive. I can’t buy it. 4. The story is easy enough. I can read it without a dictionary. 5. The coat is too long. She can’t wear it. 6. It’s late. We have to go. 7. I have brought some books. Read them. 8. The text is very difficult. They won’t be able to understand it.

9. Rephrase the sentences using to be + adjective + full infinitive.

1. It is difficult to play this piece. 2. It is hard to understand his music. 3. It is easy to memorize this tune. 4. It was tough to answer his questions. 5. It was hard to pass this year’s exams. 6. It’s impossible to find a solution to this problem. 7. It’ll be tricky to get tickets for the show.

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