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Translate and learn the vocabulary

Bridge underground (by the …) pavement car park pedestrian crossing subway traffic lights traffic jam litter bin motorway

10. Answer the questionExcuse me, where is the nearest …?using:

in … Street on the right of opposite near behind between

11. Look at the map. Work in pairs to ask: “Excuse me, Sir/Madam. How can I get from … to …?” Use the following phrases.

Go straight ahead along … Street.

Take … Street.

Walk as far as ….

Turn left / right at … Street / the traffic lights / the crossroads.

Walk across … Square / … Park / … Bridge.

Take the first etc. turning on the left / right.

It’s behind / near / opposite ….

You won’t miss it.

12. Read the tips below.

Everyday survival guide in London

1. Look right before you cross the road – British traffic drives on the left.

2. If you’re travelling by bus, you don’t have to buy a ticket in advance. Just pay on the bus.

3. If you order something to eat or drink in a cafe, remember to pay for it when you’re given it.

4. If someone introduces you to someone new, greet them by saying “Hello”. Don’t kiss them!

5. Use “please” and “thank you” a lot, to avoid sounding rude.

6. If you want to send postcards, you need to look for a red postbox.

7. You shouldn’t have any problems changing your money because banks stay open all day – they don’t close at lunch time.

8. Most large shops are open between 10 am and 4 pm on Sundays.

13. Find words that mean:

1. to ask for food or drink in a cafe, restaurant, etc.

2. to tell someone who another person is.

3. to speak to someone, or make a gesture, when you meet for the first time.

4. the opposite of ‘polite’.

5. the box that you put letters in when you want to send them.

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 759 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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