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Read, translate and find environmental words. Complete the table about the text

Environmental protection has become a serious challenge by the end of the 20th century. Big industrial corporations keep polluting water in rivers, lakes and seas. Oil tankers dump oil into seas and oceans. Many countries use cheap electricity from nuclear power plants that are environmentally dangerous. Forests are felled, including rain forests (тропічні). As a result, animals, birds, and fish are killed. Life in big cities is also affected by big industries and transport.

All fossil fuels, that is, oil, coal, and gas, contain sulphur. When these are burnt, for example, in motor vehicles, they form sulphuric acid. This acid goes up into the air and causes acid rains.

The river Rhine in Germany was known to have been badly polluted some decades ago by industrial plants and sewage water. The German government took very decisive and drastic measures to punish those responsible for the pollution. The result was striking.

problems ........................................................................
consequences ........................................................................

Use the table to make a discussion.

Environmental problems environmental solutions
fossil fuels and global warming alternative sources of energy: wind turbines, solar panels, hydroelectric dams
air pollution environmentally friendly transport
products harmful to the environment ozone-friendly products (lead free)
waste recycling
intensive farming organic farming
acid rain renewable resources

15. Use the information in the table and translate the sentences, choosing between do and make.

Do make
exercises a favour your homework housework a mistake a call progress a choice

1. Я зробив багато помилок у контрольній роботі. 2. Я ще не зробив домашнє завдання. 3. Я не люблю робити хатню роботу. 4. Будь ласка, зроби мені послугу. 5. Вона робить успіхи в англійській. 6. Йому потрібно зробити важливий вибір. 7. Зробіть третю і четверту вправи на 51-й сторінці. 8. Робити дзвінки після 18.00 дешевше.

Use the table to make sentences explaining the abbreviations and the clipped words.

To stand for to mean
www e-mail
SMS .com
CD Advert
DVD Congrats
UN Ammo
EU Xmas
XL Uni

Idioms. Use the idioms in the box to answer the questions.

To be tied-up to feel like a drink to make do with to have gone for good to pull your leg

1. Are you hungry? - …

2. Do you think they’ll ever come back to England? - …

3. Do you have a lot of clients to see? - …

4. Did she tell you there were no bathrooms in the hotel? - …

5. Do you really need a large flat? - …

Дата публикования: 2015-11-01; Прочитано: 356 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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