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Ex. 3

1. Yes, I agree that a poison is capable of destroying life or seriously injuring function.

2. I do not think so. The origins of toxic substances are many.

3. Yes, it is so. I agree that some agents arise from natural sources, others are artificial or synthetic.

4. No, it is not true. Venoms and toxins in structural organs of the snake and marine animals represent one kind of animal source of toxic substances.

5. I don’t agree that among the higher plants numerous species do not contain toxic agents.

6. I agree. Lower plants are also a source of many toxic agents.

7. No, I don’t agree. Solvents, metals, plastics and many similar groups are subjected to chemical classification.

8. I agree that after the toxicant enters the plasma, it is available for distribution throughout the body.

9. No, it is not true. Toxicants are concentrated in a specific tissue.

10. I don’t agree. Some toxicants achieve their highest concentration at their site of toxic action.

11. Yes, I agree. The liver and the kidney have a high capacity to find chemicals. These two organs concentrate more toxicants than any other organs.

12. Yes, I agree that lipid solubility is an important factor for the absorption of toxicants.

13. On the contrary. Bone can serve as a reservoir for compounds such as lead and tetra cyclones.

14. Yes, the toxic material deposited in bone is not toxic as such but it can be released again into the general circulation.

Text 1

Ex. 3

1. Drug toxicity refers to the poisonous and potentially dangerous effects of some drugs.

2. Types of drug toxicity are based on the dosage of the drug given.

3. Disorders directly resulting from diagnostic of therapeutic efforts of a physician are known as iatrogenic and are related to drug toxicity.

4. Side effects are toxic effects which routinely result from the use of a drug.

5. Contraindications are factors in a patient’s condition which make the use of a drug dangerous and ill advised.

6. Among the most dangerous toxic complications of drug usage are blood dyscrasia (blood disease) such as aplastic anemia, cholestatic jaundice (biliary obstruction leading to discoloration of the skin), neuropathy, collagen disorders (connective tissue damage, such as arthritis) and photosensitivity (abnormal sensitivity to light).

Text 2

Ex. 2

1. For the unremitting of the process of glycolysis and Crab’s cycle glucose should be delivered continuously to the tissue.

2. Glucose level in the blood can be identified by the speed of endogenic glucose production.

3. Several types of regulation of carbohydrate metabolism can be distinguished: substrate; nervous; hormonal and renal.

4. Disturbances of any stage of carbohydrate metabolism cause dysfunction of metabolism and cause the change of glucose concentration in blood.

5. Hypoglycemia requires an immediate treatment, because hypoglycemia causes irreversible changes of the nervous cells.

6. Hyperglycemia occurs when the concentration of glucose in blood is more then 5,5 mmol/lit.

Ex. 3

1. Glucose should be delivered to the tissue continuously to support a constant level of it in the blood and a normal metabolism.

2. Glucose level in the blood can be identified by the speed of endogenic glucose production and by the speed of glucose utilization.

3. Several types of regulation of carbohydrate metabolism can be distinguished: substrate; nervous; hormonal and renal.

4. Hyperglycemia occurs when the concentration of glucose in blood is more then 5,5 mmol/lit.

5. Hyperglycemia must be treated immediately because

a) it provides easy utilizing energy material by tissue;

b) causes elementary hyperglycemia, emotional hyperglycemia, hormonal hyperglycemia.

Text 3

Ex. 3

1. It is true. I agree with it.

2. No, it’s not true because the origins of toxic substances are many.

3. Yes, it’s true.

4. No, I don’t agree with it. On the contrary, they represent one kind of animal source of toxic substances.

5. I don’t agree with it. Among the higher plants numerous species do not contain toxic agents.

6. Yes, it’s true.

7. No, it’s not true. Most often chemical classification at several levels is used.

8. Yes, I agree with it.

9. On the contrary. Toxicants are often concentrated in a specific tissue.

10. I don’t agree with it. Some toxicants achieve their highest concentration at their site of toxic action.

11. Yes, it’s true. I agree with it.

12. Yes, I agree that lipid solubility is an important factor for the absorption of toxicants.

13. No. It is not true because bone can also serve as a reservoir for toxic compounds.

14. Yes, I agree with it.

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