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Sources, forms, keeping and storage of drugs. 1. sources; 2. leaves, flowers, fruit, stems, roots and rhizomes; 3

Упр.4 p. 7

1. sources; 2. leaves, flowers, fruit, stems, roots and rhizomes; 3. infusions, decoctions, tinctures; 4. label; 5. indicate; 6. confuse.

Упр.5 p. 7

1. a room temperature; 2. labels; 3. are obtained; 4. the dose to be taken; 5. poisonous; 6. vapours.

Упр.6 p. 7

- chemical substances;

- can come from many different sources;

- animal origin;

- liquid forms;

- a label with a name of a medicine;

- cause an untoward reaction;

- some drugs are poisonous;

- are stored at.

Упр.7 p.8

1. Drugs are used in medicine in the treatment of diseases.

2. Drugs can come from many different sources.

3. Some drugs are synthesized in the laboratory.

4. Drugs are kept in bottles, boxes, parcels, tubes, ampoules and jars.

5. The dose to be taken is written on the label.

6. Overdosage may cause an untoward reaction and sometimes even death.

Упр.8 p.8

1. Drugs are chemical substances used in medicine in the treatment of diseases.

2. They can be obtained from various parts of plants, may be animal origin, may be synthesized in the laboratory.

3. Drugs are produced in hard, soft, liquid and other forms.

4. Drugs are kept in bottles, boxes, parcels, tubes, ampoules and jars.

5. A name of a medicine is stuck on it.

6. Nurses, doctors and patients themselves must not confuse different medicines because some of them are poisonous and their overdosage may cause an untoward reaction and sometimes even death.

7. Drugs are stored at a room temperature, in cool places and refrigerators where they are protected from sunlight and fire, in dark places and away from children.

Упр.1 p.8

1. may; 2. must; 3. may; 4. may; 5. must; 6.can.

Упр.3 p.8

1. may be synthesized; 2. can be determined; 3. must be applied; 4. can be produced; 5. can be varied; 6. can be arrested.

Упр.4 p. 9

1. must:; 2. may; 3.can; 4. may; 5. must; 6. must.

Упр.5 p.9

1. 300000 units of penicillin must be introduced to a child at the age of two.

2. Drugs must be prescribed only when it is absolutely necessary.

3. Remedies may cause physical dependence.

4. Could remedies cause emotional dependence?

5. The dose indicated on the label or administered by a physician must be followed.

6. Medicines can block pathological processes in the human body.

Упр.4 p.10

1. Medicines are used to treat or prevent disease.

2. In the earliest times they used natural substances from fruits, leaves, roots to ease pain and bring relief.

3. Mouldy bread was used as a poultice.

4. Early examples of medicines include opium, which is found in oriental poppy, known as the “jolly plant”. This has been used as a sedative and pain killer for at least 7,000 years. In South America, the leaves of the coca shrub were chewed by the Incas to relieve fatigue and hunger. Eventually in 1859, the pure drug cocaine was extracted from these leaves.

5. Cocaine was developed and used as local anesthetic in dentistry and surgery.

6. Many different herbs and plants have been used to provide natural extracts from which modern medicines have been extracted and developed.

Unit 2

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