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Активизация грамматики. Some, any, no, any, some, any, any, some

Ex. 1

Some, any, no, any, some, any, any, some.

Ex. 2

1. Can any medical substance affect the function of the body?

2. Are there all sorts of drugs in your drug cabinet?

3. Will a doctor give you any pieces of advice how to heal arthritis?

4. Are drugs absorbed into the bloodstream?

5. Does overdosage of any toxic drugs cause unexpected reactions?

Ex. 3

1. Where are toxicants concentrated in the body?

2. What may accumulate in various parts of the body?

3. For what diseases does chemotherapy usually refer-to?

4. Where is intravenous injection given?

5. What kind of injection is advisible when drugs are irritating to the skin?

6. What is toxicology?

7. What is idiosyncrasy?

8. Who was the first who discovered penicillin?

Ex4 may, must, can, may, must, can, can, may.

Ex. 5

1. Did most of us have to take medicines to recover as soon as possible?

Most of us did not have to take medicines to recover as soon as possible.

2. Will most people be able to take their treatment at home by month.

Most people will not be able to take their treatment at home by month.

3. Did this medicine have to be taken twice a day.

This medicine did not have to be taken twice a day.

4. Can any chemical substance effect the functioning of the body?

Some chemical substances can not effect the functioning of the body.

5. Are people allowed to take the contraceptive pills as the method of birth control?

Some people are not allowed to take the contraceptive pills as the method of birth control.

6. Can penicillin kill bacteria?

Penicillin cannot kill several types of bacteria.

7. Can some medicines be dangerous if they are taken in the wrong amount?

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 324 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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