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Test work

Ex. 1: Build medical words:

1. pertaining to against itching.

2. the study of poisons.

3. treatment with chemicals.

4. pertaining to within a vein.

5. study of drugs.

6. pertaining to under the tongue.

7. pertaining to under the skin.

8. against infection.

9. produced by a physician.

10. pertaining to within a sheath.

Ex. 2: Give the meaning of the following terms:

1. parenteral;

2. pharmacopeia;

3. idiosyncrasy;

4. synergism;

5. contraindications;

6. anaphylaxis;

7. antidote;

8. drug toxicity;

9. aerosol;

10. side effect.

Ex. 3: Match the terms in a) with association in b).

b) …combination of two drugs together is equal to the sum of the effects of each. …drug name which gives the chemical formula. …combination of two drugs together gives an effect which is greater than the sum of each drug alone. …drugs passing into the bloodstream. …building up of drugs in the body due to inability to excrete it as fast as it is taken in. …effects of a drug diminish as larger and larger doses are needed to produce desired effect. …area to prepare, store and dispense drugs. …official name; legal and noncommercial name. …trade name of drug privately owned by manufacturer. …study of drug interaction with cells or sub-cellular entities.


1. pharmacy

2. molecular pharmacology

3. brand name

4. generic name

5. chemical name

6. cumulation

7. additive action

8. potentiation

9. tolerance

10. absorption

Ex. 4: Match the routines of administration of drugs in a) with medications and procedures in b).

b) ... lotions, creams, ointments. …tablets and capsules. …used for allergy skin tests. …lumbar puncture. …deep injection, usually into buttocks. …suppositories. …used for blood transfusions. …aerosols.


1. intravenous

2. rectal

3. oral

4. topical

5. inhalation

6. intrathecal

7. intramuscular

8. intradermal

Unit 5

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 514 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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